Awesome Tattoos Gone Bad
nuclearwinterApr 6, 10:31 PMnot gonna do it...
Baby Portrait Tattoos Gone Bad
redkamelMar 22, 11:44 PMend the classic? Please no! It's great for storing large libraries, uncompressed music/complete music + video libraries and you are able to use it without looking. iOS is fun to look at, but the ipod app is terrible and can't replace tactile controls. I also hate using my phone as a music player as phone calls require me to interface with the player, rather than just take out my earbuds and answer the call (much faster and easier)
The real, and best, reason to not discontinue it is that the classic represents Apples first big win. Its a very symbolic design, and I doubt they will be retiring it...ever. Much like porsche and the carrera, or Ford and the F-150.
The classic IS the ipod. Notice how people still call the ipod touch the "itouch". Few think of it as "the ipod".
There always be a market for a slim, easy to use, portable, high capacity music player with touch controls.

Tattoo Gone Bad.
longsilverSep 5, 09:10 AMIt is back up but I can't spot any update. And from what I can tell, none of the other countries' stores went down at all.
Memorial Tattoo Design An in
SurelyNov 26, 05:00 PMLink please!
....or you can, I don't know, check the image's url to determine where he bought those shirts.........
Lurchdubious, are you building a glasses case?:p
/ok, I'll stop now
a good girl gone bad?
zombierunnerApr 19, 02:51 PMWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
True dat ... This is going to be my first iMac ... I have never owned an apple computer before .. Bought my first iPhone last year
... iPhone 4 ... That was such a wonderful day ... Can't wait
girl gone bad last year,
SubaruNation555Jan 19, 02:52 PMSome pics of my Impreza after a night of freezing rain:
Baby Portrait Tattoos Gone Bad
iSpoody 1243Jun 22, 07:46 PMios4 apps on the dashboard would be cool
thats about it
Memorial gone horribly wrong
Small White CarApr 12, 10:03 PMOn iOS you pay ONCE and then all upgrades are free.
Not true. If you buy a Mac-app or iOS app all the updates for that version are free. A new version is a whole new program that must be bought again on both platforms.
What confuses you is that most iOS developers have decided to just keep updating their first version forever and not come out with a whole new version because they've decided that makes more sense on a smart phone than it does on a desktop machine.
But that's a business decision, not a technical one. A developer could do it either way on either platform.
Tattoos gone wrong – so ad
asdf542Apr 12, 09:49 PMWell I really can't judge it until I'm actually able to touch and use it myself, but from the looks, they've gone consumer. *here's hoping for the best* I really want it to work... but Adobe is looking better by the day.
They've gone consumer because the UI is something modern and not something ripped out of the 90's like the last Final Cut was? :rolleyes:
total ad
MacPhilosopherSep 14, 12:04 PMI just have a hard time picturing Toyota mailing me a new accelerator pedal and linkage and expecting me to install it. Wake up!
But why should Apple provide a permanent fix when the problem hasn't affected sales too much, and they can come out with a fixed phone next year and get you to stand in line to buy it.
Consumer Reports are doing exactly what their subscribers are paying them to do. I'm sorry if everyone isn't Apple Fanboys, but they get paid NOT to be anyone's Fanboy.
Did you really just compare installing a complicated accelerator system in your car to putting a bumper or case on your phone? You are Funny.
Well, the thrill is gone.
vand0576Sep 1, 01:11 PMif this turns out to be true, here's my prediction on the pricing:
17" is stripped down and relegated to "emac" status and sells at a $999 price point
20" sells for $1299 or $1399
23" sells for $1699 or MAYBE $1799 at the most
these prices seem a lot more like what I was thinking. Wishful? maybe, but this would be aggressive pricing, not keeping the current 17" and 20" where they are and throwing the 23" way over their marks.
(Star Tattoos Gone Wrong )
miloNov 16, 02:44 PMThats the beauty of going Intel, you dont drop the price ? DELL, HP and the other competitors WILL.
I don't know if I'd expect that either. Has intel dropped the prices on dual core version yet? Or just introduced the quad core at higher prices?
I don't rip DVDs. I rip DVD Images created with Toast from EyeTV broadcast recordings. So it's not an extra step. If you mean why not export direct to mp4 from EyeTV the answer is because they look like C**p. You want a really good looking mp4 file, Handbrake is the only way to go IMHO. And the maximum quality Toast encode to DVD image is also the best way to provide Handbrake with a superior master to rip from.
You asked why anyone would use handbrake to rip from optical disk. I answered your question. People do it all the time, it's very common to rip DVDs.
tattoos gone bad.
daneoniSep 1, 11:59 AMI guess they plan to put the 2.93GHz Core 2 Extreme or 2.66GHz processor in it. IF they make the display height adjustable...i might consider it. Otherwise the MacPro remains the slated candidate for my desktop needs

Star Tattoos Gone Wrong
OllyWApr 10, 11:20 AMI do and have been the last 10 years
Helped learning to ride a motorcycle also
I remember getting into an auto and mistook the brake for the clutch one time
I used to get confused riding old British motorbikes. I'd often knock it down a gear or two instead of finding the rear brake. :o
15 Baby Portrait Tattoos Gone
nosenSep 6, 06:14 PMBut hopefully these are a better resolution than the current TV show on Itunes. It should be at least DVD quality, If not these price model will bomb IMHO.
agreed, although I don't think I'd ever pay more than $9.99... I'd rather just buy the DVD.

tattoos gone bad. of tattoos
theBBJul 19, 04:21 PMWhich is exactly why the past few weeks have been a great time to load up on Apple stock. Apple has been increasing computer sales with transitional computers. The "real" machines aren't out yet.
In other words, Apple growth won't be slowing down any time soon. In fact, it should probably accelerate over the next 12 months.
When the "real" machines are out, Vista will be out as well. Unless Leopard has revolutionary improvements, the difference between Windows and OSX+iLife would be much less than that it is today. I would still appreciate the UNIX under the hood, but I doubt most consumers care. If Mac sales or market share starts to come down a bit due to fewer switchers, the share price could easily crash.
All his tattoos are abt FOOD!
JosiasAug 7, 01:22 AMThey should post this:
I love Apple slaughtering Windows...:D
Tattoos Gone Bad
twoodccFeb 20, 11:58 PMcongrats to sparky76 for 3 million points!
tattoos gone bad.
YakuzaNov 24, 10:08 AMhttp://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41C0o2GAJGL._SS500_.jpg
Props if anyone knows who used that bag.
i would say Indidana Jones, but i'm not sure
bokdolAug 24, 10:02 PMa bit off topic... does any one know of a comparable pc and cost? the mini seems a bit expensive at 799 for a 1.6 dore duo
Apple OCMar 19, 03:45 PMIs it me, or does war seem kind of rediculous now. :cool:
I mean, I understand the need for "non occupational forces", but this is getting kind of rediculous. It almost seems like it's almost a capitalist motive to demonstrate weapons for sale at every opportunity. :D
I am a bit suprised the Mods let you start such an Anti-American thread title ..."U.S. will use Lybia as aerial target practice"
This is not about the USA ... this is about the UN Security Council deciding to stop a Dictator like Gaddafi from forcing his will on the people of Lybia.
The USA is only one of 10 countries that approved this decision.
Those with knowledge of this situation will agree that sometimes people need protection from thugs like Gaddafi who tell his people "there will be no mercy" and fire weapons upon them for the sole reason of staying in power.
where many others in this thread just want to chirp more "Ridiculous" Anti-American crap.
rmitchell248Feb 28, 05:26 PMNice setup. What's the story behind the "double" windows, I've never seen anything like that before.
Back in the days before double or triple glassed windows, this was the only option for better insulation compared to a single window.
Thank you, Yes my office room here had single pane windows originally. The rest of the house has windows like what is on the outside but they are double pane from when the house was built. For some reason not in here. The house has a lot of history and the windows are beautiful so it would be a shame to take out the originals. They are the very thin glass that you can see the distortion when looking through(I am not sure what to call that). In this room the heat loss was bad but in order to preserve the old glass and original look outside this was a decent option We back up to a river that the american army crossed through during WWII and the last of the bullet holes from the fire fight in the back of the basement were just patched up with the latest renovation work.
salvatoreredaJan 13, 12:50 PM"Macbook Air" was just reregistered on 01.11.08 as a .com
If this was the true name, Apple would of purchased the name long before Macworld.
End of Story.
ipedroApr 12, 08:35 PMWho thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.