Todays Makeup Looks
ConsultantApr 26, 12:47 PM"Amazon" is a generic term and should not be used for a store name.
Scarlett Johansson and Natalie
hayeskApr 12, 10:10 PMiLife has done this for years and now Aperture is doing the same thing. Frankly, I prefer it to the old way.
You realize that you'll be on Aperture 5 before you spend more money than just buying 3 outright. The upgrade from 2 to 3 cost more than just buying 3 on the app store.
Why do you want to spend more money?
Get the Look: Natalie
kungming2Jan 12, 12:09 AMExactly, it doesn't make any sense.
There's a lot of demand for a notebook that would be smaller and lighter. In fact, I had a friend who thought that even the MacBook was too small and he wanted something similar to the Toshiba R500. People have a point there - 4 pounds is a lot for some people who get sore shoulders easily...
Though everything beats lugging a heavy PC around.. The Dells they sell here at Princeton U. are atrociously heavy - but it's all good, as it makes the PC users even more jealous of the 66% of the student body that DOES use Macs. :D:p
Natalie Portman Make Up | How
DoraemonMar 19, 07:59 AMIn Australia (where Im from), the market is dead ! Most Apple Stores are large and if you ive in the Country - they don't exist. The rest of Asia is like that.
Like you can expect to have a Mac store in the middle of nowhere. That's BS. It's not profitable to run a Mac store in the (Australian) desert.
And have you ever been to China? You'll find lots of Apple stores there. And if you are in Japan, go to Akihabara, man and take a look around. There are like 14 Mac stores within three blocks.
I am outside the US. And there are iPod ads where ever I go.
And no, Apple is not dying. The markets where Apple is dominant will remain like that, since Apple is "attack[ing]" (to quote you) in the pro music and pro video markets. And in these markets Apple is making lots of money.
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spcdustApr 20, 08:30 AMThe 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!
2GB GDDR5 Memory would make me very happy.
Oscar winner Natalie Portman
MCIowaRulzApr 12, 09:12 PMYou can follow this link
Looks nice!
Monday Makeup Minute: Four
PCMacUserAug 7, 05:40 AMThats what i thought :rolleyes:
Haha I was trying to help you out and you turn on me?! What are you, Italian? :p
Hmm, now who have I missed...
look. Dramatic: Try out
citizenzenMar 19, 08:26 PMTruth, as ever, is the first casualty of war, and nobody seems to care as long as they can fabricate a good narrative.
I'm not smart enough to know what the right thing to do is in Libya. But it does make me roll my eyes to hear the CNN anchor talk about how Qaddafi is "thumbing his nose at America".
The propoganda machine is cranked-up and running. :rolleyes:
Let's go kill some badguys!

Natalie Portman!
twoodccFeb 23, 08:33 PMI'm not going to go to all that trouble, VM's seem like kind of a pain.
VMs really aren't that bad. it's worth it. with just 1 gpu and and VM, i'm getting around 25k ppd. with 2 gpu, you'd get over 30kppd.
I've just tried it in bios without much luck.
oh. which motherboard do you have? i've had a little trouble with mine, i'm stuck at 3.7 ghz (still not bad).
This ( guide might help you some
Lashes are from Make Up For
Chris BangleAug 25, 06:54 AMWhy does intel have to be soooo confusing, A year ago you could either have a G4 or a G5, Nowadays dyo want core solo, core duo, merom, the other one, or that other one, or the other one.( I can ony remeber conroe and merom)... Ok there more powerful but there are too many to decide from.
Natalie Portman always looks
LifequestApr 2, 07:47 PMI'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.
Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.
Oh dear. How is Stevie going to sleep at night knowing that one potential customer is still on the fence...:rolleyes:
Frankly, they don't give two animal-faecal-secretions about whether you buy it or not.
Natalie Portman#39;s Amazing Eyes
iJohnHenryMar 19, 05:09 PMThey could at least make the app more interesting.
How about a social feature that allows you to see other 'ex-homosexuals' in your area? :D
Have you not been informed of DisgraceBook??
Natalie Portman – Best Hair
TmelonApr 3, 08:39 PMI have the same thing happens with my safari in full screen where you hover your mouse over the top and the menubar slide down it is a bug because it the bar serve no function right now -that definitely did happen in DP!
Although Safari has not crashed yet where it crash several time a day in DP1
Edit: I just was scrolling in full screen and Safari crashed for the first time since I used DP2
I had that yesterday actually. It went away though.
than Natalie Portman.
KadMacFeb 18, 12:10 AMMy new traveling set up. Just picked up my 13" MBP while I'm away at a military school in Utah because my 16GB iPhone/iPad combo just wasn't cutting it for long periods of time.
Nice, I find my MBP is the perfect size for traveling too. I am curious though, what limitations did you have with the iPad?
Natalie Portman @ 2011 Golden
rasmasyeanMar 21, 04:31 PMwe can only hope that that point will be reached with as little casualties as possible.
I think this would be conterproductive to the end result though. If you inflict swift and high casualties on the opposition, the rest might be detered from dragging out a lengthy insurgency where even more people suffer (including lots and lots of bystanders).
It's human nature and you can put yourself in their place. When you see your comrades (not just machines that you didn't even pay for) die ruthlessly in a hopeless battle, chances are you would be grateful that you were spared and realize both that you will surely get killed for nothing if you continue your defiance...and that the new regime will be strong. i.e. Most people want to be on the winning side. It "might" be different if you have been oppresed all your life and don't give a crap anymore, but in this case, it's just changing some ways to run the country.
natalie portman makeup looks. star Natalie Portman looks; star Natalie Portman looks. speedriff. Feb 17, 06:51 AM
gugySep 6, 10:30 PMTrue APPLENEWBIE, Steve is not going there to show something that most people believe will be the same as the TV shows on Itunes. Steve knows that will not fly.
You are right, is either a combination of Movie Store and breakthrough hardware or/and Hi-def movie downloads.
Natalie Portman#39;s Pretty
hyperpastaJul 18, 01:56 PMOver at AI one user made a good point about how WWDC in '04 Steve spent quite a bit of time talking about iPod and iTMS - user guessimates around 25%. So I guess that kinda beats down the argument that WWDC has always been "Mac" only...
He did, but he didn't show a single new product. He simply recapped the announcements made in the weeks before: iPod+BMW and AirPort Express.

why was natalie portman bald
KristennMar 25, 04:48 PMThis is great news and all but I still don't get why people keep comparing an iMac (All in One) to a PC Tower and not something like the Gateway One or those Sony AIO computers. Its comparing apples to oranges.
The iMac isn't crippled anymore than those PC AIO computers from Sony, Dell, HP, or Gateway. In fact, the iMac is the fastest AIO you can buy, at the moment. I don't get it. People seem to think the iMac is "underpowered" because it isn't the speed of a tower computer. Well, duh. Instead of comparing an AIO to a tower, compare it to another AIO. THEN you'll see that the iMac isn't "underpowered" or anything close to the meaning of the word.
Natalie Portman#39;s makeup
poppeSep 1, 12:46 PMHmm... the problem with that line-up is that when consumers see the shiny new advert saying "Meet the new iMacs" they'll look at the clock speeds and say "What new iMacs?". I think it would be reasonable for Apple to offer...
17" iMac - $1,199 - 2 GHz, X1650 Pro 128 MB
20" iMac - $1,699 - 2.16 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
23" iMac - $2,199 - 2.33 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
If the Mac Mini and the MB would have stayed under 500 and 1000 repsectively then I would have said you are so wrong, but because they didn't I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with one just above 1999.
WillisAug 6, 09:18 PMOh my
it's like christmas come early
infact it's better
christmas sucks, and it's cold
WWDC is my favourite holiday :p
you got my vote... man, i should get some sleep, need to be up at 11am.. my car has been making grinding noises, so off to see the mechanic!!
skinniezinhoNov 26, 04:26 PMSwatch New Gent "black Rebel"
Seagate Momentus XT 500Gb 32Mb Cache 4Gb "SSD"
ipedroApr 12, 08:45 PMFinal Cut express strips out a lot of features people won't need unless they are doing some pretty heavy lifting. I use Final Cut Pro (and have since 1.0) but for the type of editing I do here at work (small TV station) Final Cut Express would work just fine. I just use what they give me 8-).
Pro takes more video formats. It has a few other tools, I think.
It's basically designed so that if you really are a hobbyist with an HDV camcorder you really won't notice a difference between the 2 since the extra things FCP has are things you'd never use anyway.
Pretty sure FCE doesn't support 24fps, which is kinda a problem for film editing, and an increasingly bigger problem for other work as 24fps gets used more. IIRC, it doesn't have stuff like the color scopes or audio mixer either. The main difference is the suite though.
Thanks. It seems to be what I need. I'm a photographer who does the occasional video. I don't want to make video the main part of my business, just a complement. A $1000 suite is overkill. I'd be happy to pay $300 though for just Final Cut Pro or $200 for a new Final Cut Express. Fingers crossed. :)
kadajawiSep 7, 03:36 AMWell I posted it in another thread however I just built a PC with some amazing specs for under $500. It was a P4 3ghz, 2gb ram, 250GB HD, 256MB GPU, DVDR, bluetooth, wifi. The kicker is it's a Shuttle so it's tiny, not much bigger than a mini, and it's made of aluminum. The thing is very Mac like. And being able to build it so cost effectively, really ticked me off.
Because no matter what I'd get on the Apple side it would either cost much, much more or it would be hobbled in some way (GPU, monitor, etc.). In the end you have to realize that as a Mac user you're paying more for a brand and for the ability to run OS X. That's fine, provided you can find a system which meets your needs.
(yeah it's late and I'm cranky) :P
Yes, I was about to build one with a Athlon 64 3000+ (doesn't eat up electricity like the P4... and with RM Clock or so you can reduce power consumption quite a bit additionally. The default voltages are usually far above whats needed, both AMDs I've built run perfectly with 1.1V (standard is 1.4 to 1.45), unfortunately it isn't possible to lover the voltage further), 512 MB RAM, 160 GB HD, onboard graphics, DVDR, in a 9x27.5x35 cm enclosure. Price with Windows: around 400 �. Bluetooth and WiFi is lacking, but shouldn't add too much. In comparison the Mac Mini Core Solo was 600 � at that time. I'd consider both systems comparable... Mini has front row, BT and WiFi, PC has better connectivity (especially on the display side), 100 gig more HD, DVD writer, card reader. Quite a price difference to me.
Lack of OS X + iLife, the upgrade to Core Duo, student discount and the printer promo made me chose the Mac Mini.
MacsRgr8Sep 7, 08:01 AMI am hoping for the full 1920 x 1080 rez movies!
Best would be 3 sizes available to choose from:
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11:53 PM
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