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Roy HobbsJan 2, 01:36 PMThe shown device was the "breakout box".
iTV is YA Apple "ecosystem" comprising of software like OSX, Front Row, and super DVR. It has a ($299) breakout box to hook to existing computers and TV's. It has a new iMac, which if you buy it, replaces 2-3 separate elements. It will have a supersize display screen with iTV enabled features.
Of course this is all speculation, but it is based on a wide ranging discussion of media experts since the pre-release of iTV.
If I had to bet on it I am willing to bet that what was already shown is all we are going to get. A "break-out" box that streams media from a mac to the TV
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PBFApr 1, 03:29 AMGuess why they are the only two removable apps?
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oMcFeb 28, 02:41 PM@benjayman2 : very nice setup.
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rasmasyeanMar 19, 09:34 AMYup.
You know I am almost always critical of US military action, but in this case...
It might need to be taken.
We do have an obligation to stop atrocities if we are aware of them.
That said, this needs to be an international action, not like the "coalition of the willing" that went into Iraq. In fact, id prefer it if the US was NOT the main force by any stretch. We should give plenty of support, but we should be careful to not give the impression that we are taking the primary role in another conflict.
phht...I'm pretty sure the reason why there is "international action" this time is because it's not only easy to justify, but it has been clearly demonstrated that the US "going in" will result in victory. And this is a tiny weak nation too. At least Iraq was able to off a decent amount of "coalition forces" even though it's still a pin prick. And since Lybia has a lot of oil, "other nations" will be really easy to be persuaded to "save lives of rebels" or whatever. Heck, even the "French" are throwing on the gloves. Which I'm sure many ppl feel we should just shoot them out of the air ourselves. :p I mean, the Frence aren't going to miss out on this one, especially since it's like a given victory with "air support".
I mean, this "cease fire" that's going on. Why is there no ceasfire? Because the West doesn't want it. It's already in motion. Whether it be jamming communications or "rebels staging attacks on themselves for show", it's clear that we've made the decision to go for blood...civilians or not in harms way...to put the regime WE want, into power. They aren't "peaceful"...they look just like those in that picture above in the truck. They struck a deal. Oil for help. And the Frence sadly are apparently in on it too.
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rasmasyeanMar 20, 12:45 PMYeah, that's worked so well for us in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Yeah, you are right. They now use a lot of American arms, and American soldiers are there to train them and fight with them side by side. And Iraqi oil production is skyrocketing so much that they even invite economists to help their treasurers deal with "something never have been used to handling".
Can we count on you to volunteer?
No. It's not my place and my time has long past to be "volunteered" for such duties. However, should your children wish to become warriors and protect people like me, I vonlunteer them! ;)
Hey, check out this mini mushroom fireball thingie. What kind of bomb is this? It looks kind of big. Edpecially the fact that it's in the backgorund and the camera naturally makes it small. If you were up close, it's gotta be HUGE! ...and makes a mushroom too instantly.
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razzmatazzAug 6, 11:21 PMi dunno if this has been cleared up in any other posts or whatever, but does anybody know if there will be a live quicktime video feed? i figured if steve is going to be demo-ing stuff in leopard, he'd want the hundreds of thousands of people to actually *see* it! anyway, just curious.
There won't be a live VIDEO feed. Just the live TEXT feed supplied by MacRumors

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charlitunaApr 12, 10:03 PMWho thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.
I could see that. iMovie seems to be rather advanced at this point. More than enough for the hobby, hone movie etc crowd. They could drop fce and sell just fp for like $200-250 and the full suite for like $600 and the suite with server for say $900-1000. And still make bank.
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macidiotJul 21, 01:28 AMNo I TOTALLY figured this one out. Its during this period that taxes get paid, either at the end of march or late until Aug. and with businesses this is cheap and easy to do. So people sell stock to pay their taxes and that depresses the market -- especially if they made a lot of money which could have been on stocks thus it is guaranteed to happen.
But Oct. is also the second or third biggest gaining month.
Yes, I have heard these before in many places but I think there are larger money movers that actually create it although I am not sure what they are.
Although Christmas is no doubt BIG, I think corp. hiring and purchasing to start new projects is what rules the January effect, but there should other things I have not thought of.
Certainly with product intro ruled stocks like tech stocks Christmas and the new years creates a big effect.
I think the #1 shifter of market fortunes though is USA Presidents and popular pres. end of 8 years as pres. cause a big down effect. Especially now that we have had good feds for so many years, that hold back on the money supply although the HYPER WW competition created by the internet may actually be the BIGGEST force here.
And most pres. now days are smart enough to restrict the money supply strictly during their first 2 years otherwise all hell can break loose.
Bush didn't need to do this, 911 did it, but the lack of lowing taxes and gradual secret tax hikes by Clinton were VERY BAD for the economy.
The presidential transition and voting problems blew-out the economies back !!!
IMO the President has very little direct effect. Since the President barely affects the economy, there really isn't much he can do to the stock market. Anything he might do in the form of stimulus packages... tax cuts, credits, etc. take years to work it's way into the economy. That said, there can definitely be a long term effect from a president's actions.
The Federal Reserve directly affects both the economy and stock market. They are the ones controlling money supply. Not the President. And they are independent of the White house. Alan Greenspan was chairman of the fed for 3 different presidents. However, the Fed does not care about the stock market per se. The Fed is interested in controlling inflation and the economy, avoiding overheating and softening downturns. Essentially, the Fed tries to "tune" the economy.
The President can not restrict money supply. What you've seen over the past 25 years was basically 3 administrations (Reagan/Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr.) that essentially transitioned during downturns in the business cycle. Coincidence.
And I have no idea what "hyper ww competition from the internet" means.
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kdarlingApr 22, 09:33 PMWhy is it necessary to keep your location a secret? What are Google and Apple going to do to you? What *exactly* and *specifically* is there to be afraid of?
Your location is *never* a secret, unless you're the President and it's a national crisis.
There are many people whose movements are best kept secret from certain others, with risk of life if revealed.
Battered women or kids in a secret shelter home, witness protection participants, undercover agents of all sorts, dissidents and rebels.
On a less serious note, there are probably some bosses who gave out iPhones, checking company iTunes hosts this weekned to see if their employees' travel receipts and sick days match their movements.
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chrismacguyFeb 28, 07:15 AM15! *internet props*, at one point i had a blue and white g3, a ruby imac g3, and a few others...unfortunatly my mom was tired of all the "useless" (in her eyes) computers and made me discard them (the only computers i have every gotten rid of that werent compleatly dead)
now all im starting again, with this mdd g4 :D
haha - luckilly my family dont control my eBay account, and if they complain I find a way of hiding a few more of them in a cupboard (I actually ended up moving a shelf at one point so I could fit a iMac G3 in it) - although it is reaching the point where both my room and my dorm room are nearly full of old (and new) Macs... xD (All of them bar 1 boot, and the 1 that doesnt is only because its HD is on the way out - with a goodun it boots just fine).
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spookjeJan 1, 05:55 PMAs long they don't announce a MacBook Pro update it's all fine for me. Not sure if I would be shocked when they announce 100 pixels extra screen, or better videocard. But if they are going for a higher resolution like 1920x1080px for a 15" inch edition. Then it will be troublesome for me!
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brepublicanAug 29, 11:09 AMIf the MacBook and Mini stay with core 1 CPUs, sales will grind to a halt.
True. This alleged upgrade is not enough to make me wanna go for a mini. I'm waiting for Meroms in the iMacs before I even begin to think about upgrading
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macfan70Nov 27, 01:43 PMThis Asus LCD is great but even at 500 bucks very few people will buy it.
The rotating feature would be great for reading threads. ;)
Asus has this (http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=10&l2=88&l3=367&model=1136&modelmenu=1) display which includes speakers and a webcam. It would be nice if Apple introduced a similar concept with a display only. It would be prefect for the Mac mini.
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r.j.sApr 27, 10:00 AM"App Store" is a trademarked name of a particular store. "appstore," or "app store" in generic terms and context is a description of a particular thing. How hard is it for these companies to understand that that's possible? Just the same as "Windows" vs. "windows." Actually, I think they do get it, but they don't want "App Store" associated only w/ Apple so they can jump on the bandwagon and (continue to try to) confuse consumers.
However, using the term app store to relate to any type of software market will lead to confusion between generic app stores and Apple's App Store - which makes it a trademark violation.
No one is going to confuse MS Windows with the windows in your house.
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sminmanJan 11, 06:10 PMI don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.
Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

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bketchumJan 11, 09:22 PMI like the name. It grabs my imagination immediately. Light as air. The Macworld banner says, �2008. There�s something in the air.� Perhaps the tag is subtly suggesting something new inside the MacBook air - that being a flash drive.
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leekohlerMar 24, 01:01 PMOh FFS!!! :rolleyes:
How many times more are we going to have to argue this?
It is not a choice.
I no more chose to be gay than you chose to be straight.
Christ! Sometimes this forum reminds me of a Whack the Mole game� hit one on the head and another pops up.
Same stuff over and over�
And people wonder why I get frustrated and end up telling people off. That kind of BS gets old. I've been fighting that kind of ignorance for over 25 years now- others even longer. It gets very tiring, but we still can't stop fighting it.
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cjc343Apr 4, 07:16 PMSave Apple!!! Sign MY petition.....
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AFPosterMar 22, 12:52 PMSo Apple should have the choice what they allow and don't allow?
Yes, it's a company that makes it's own decisions and it's own products. They choose what they will allow and won't allow. If you are a car company you choose to make a mini van or not. Apple chooses what they want, we accept what they give us. If you don't, dont download it or get it, no one is forcing you to have it!
batitomboMay 2, 04:31 PMCare factory?
ipedroApr 12, 08:35 PMWho thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.
VegFeb 26, 03:45 PMLamp: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BCDGMG
External HDD: http://www.macally.com/EN/Product/ipod4show.asp?ArticleID=209
Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Z-3-Wood-Grained-Speakers/dp/B0000C20V3/ref=sr_1_12?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1298679238&sr=1-12
iPhone stand: http://www.xtand.net/xtand.html
Oh yeah and actually that's not the stand, I got the stand from monoprice.
Monoprice makes great products and sells them cheaply, I recommend them.
igazzaMar 24, 04:56 PMill be happy if these cards support crysis 2
UnspeakedSep 1, 01:58 PMDefinitely not. There's too much branding in the iMac name. For consumers, it means ease and simplicity with power and looks.
It'd be almost as bad as calling their music player a Pod.
The iMac name is gold.