Denise, Sam amp; Lola @ LAX
ipadderSep 30, 11:29 PMThose clear cases are pretty bad. They don't fit my iPod Touches at all. Shame I wasted $6 on them ($3 x 2). Any recommendation guys?
I like these styles from a seller I bought from before:
I took an image of the black matte recently in this thread i believe. Fast shipping great service.
Denise Richards denise sam
noisycatsApr 25, 02:55 AMWould feel the same way if it was Google or Microsoft or any other company?
star Denise Richards is on
HughMar 22, 03:55 PMWhat does this App do exactly? Has any one got the App to detail what's in the App?
and Denise Richards shot
alecOct 23, 10:11 AMNew MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others
Denise Richards, Sam, Lola and
iMikeTAug 24, 10:08 PMI'll believe it when I see it.
DENISE Richards is scared for
lordonuthinDec 17, 10:26 PMOur team is at 2.147 million points for the last 7 days, the highest I've ever seen it!! Way to go Team! - Team Folding - 7 days 2,146,864 Total points 146,241M
We're catching up to those Greeks and will soon pass them.
Denise Richards unhappy with
iJimmyFeb 8, 11:08 AM
Denise Richards takes her
noservice2001Jul 18, 07:09 AMso ud have to return the movie after? how can that be, it's a rental?:confused:
 Gotta love Denise Richards
ibook30Jul 14, 12:51 AMWhat i'm worried about is if this whole format war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray turns out to be really worthless and end up with neither format winning and instead having both supplanted by further formats. it would be like trying to put betamax up against laserdisc then having DVDs come to market :rolleyes: .
There are great things coming though- future discs, future mass storage too. HDs may be on their way out soon enough for speed reasons. one thing i'm keeping an eye on is ferroelectric memory, which might also make HD-DVD/Bluray etc. partly obsolete as a storage format- useful primarily for video media only.
Excellent points, and concerns. I think the format wars will be mitigated by tech companies desire to make a dollar and the markets inability to handle too many choices and price points vs. value.
It's not impossible that the bluray/ HD DVD conflict will be supplanted by new technology - but it will become a regional issue (Asia vs Europe or N America) and/or price against value issue .. ultimately leaving the consumer with two or three choices.... no matter how fast the technology advances. "The market" is unlikely to handle more than 2 or 3 choices. (I am speaking of the consumer market - a seperate market for the technocracy will allow more choices for niche markets.... I hope)
Let's see what happens- it'll be an interesting ride.
On the 802.11n front- to deviate from the thread again - if Apple and other traditional tech companies do not get behind this - it will leave an opening for telecom/cable companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon - all of whom are delivering faster and faster connection speeds to the (residential)consumer's front door .... Verizon's fiber optic system gives faster download and upload times than previous options, so they are creating a need for faster home networks.
Apple is beginning to compete with telcoms for the communication dollar (iChat AV and ventures into cell phones) - so telcoms might strike back by offering machines or networking cards that work with these advancing high speed internets. I dunno.
p.s. (Silentwave) I am reading about ferroelectric tech - and it is fascinating. Glad you mentioned it!
denise richards sam lola. Denise Richards out with her; Denise Richards out with her. danielwsmithee. Nov 27, 02:49 PM
LurchdubiousNov 28, 03:16 PMBasically free, (Thanks, Amazon!)
And a pre-order:
Denise, Sam amp; Lola @ LAX
SciFrogJan 23, 08:43 AMOur PPD has dropped 20% from the peak, I lost a big unit this week due to a reboot, same old annoying problem...
Can't wait for Gulftown and GPU3...
See more of Denise Richards
tvguruAug 7, 04:23 AMAny Aussies staying up? I think i will have to.
Why can't Steve do his Keynote at like 4pm over in the US, that we'd be able to wake up at 9. Anyways! As long as he has a big sleigh i don't care
I'm at school in Brisbane and I never understood why anyone would stay up for these while I was back home in Canada, but I'll be up tonight for the keynote. The thought of people knowing about the outcome hours before I do is keeping me up. :o
Just need to find something to pass the time until 3 am.:rolleyes:
Edit: Looks like I should really update my profile. I now have a 17" MacBook Pro and just the Nano.
to Denise Richards for Sam
MattSepetaMay 2, 05:42 PMAnother iOS feature implemented in a desktop OS.
Fan-frickin-tastic :(
Here#39;s beautiful Denise
KirbdogJan 1, 09:29 PMI am hoping that movies and TV shows get offered outside the US on the iTunes store. Steve mentioned that this would be happening in 2007 when he previewed the iTV box. I think many would like to see this sooner than later.
A true video iPod would really compliment this announcement:D :D
Denise Richards and girls
twoodccDec 31, 05:31 PMSorry you couldn't have stayed in 4th place for longer lyzardking... but at least you can claim you were there! :D And you are getting more points for the team!
And it looks like mc68k is definitly going to be our first to the big 10 mil!! You are cooking right now with over 600k ppw - as Jim Carey would say (in Mask) "smokin"!
I have now organized my machines with five (linux) in the cold basement, and the 2 win/gpu machines in 4u boxes I got on ebay in the rack with the mac. I spent christmas day, snowbound, rerouting the wiring (and cleaning the "computer room" so everything at least looks much better. I actually got 4 4u cases so I have room to grow, they were $28 each plus $17? each for shipping. 4u is about the same size as a normal tower case so everything fits in nicely. I will post some pics soon.
sounds nice. looking forward to seeing the pics
Doesn't look like I'll be fifth for that long (looking over a shoulder at a quickly approaching twoodcc)
ha. well it'll be a little while before i catch up to you.
also, congrats to rreini for reaching 1 million points!
denise richards sam lola. Denise Richards takes her; Denise Richards takes her. carmenodie. Apr 9, 09:28 AM. Ummm. everyone that#39;s into gaming HATES
arnApr 12, 09:02 PM
well, in cast there was any doubt.
denise richards sam lola. Denise Richards takes her; Denise Richards takes her. kirk26. May 2, 11:36 AM
mrgreen4242Aug 29, 07:44 PMNo Blu-Ray, as slot load would not be able to have enough cooling-leave it for next Mac Pro.
Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc.
Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.
denise richards sam lola. Denise Richards takes her; Denise Richards takes her. greenstork. Sep 12, 07:13 PM. How does Elgato not compete?
LurchdubiousNov 25, 09:49 AMOrdered a 26" white Vizio LED LCD for the wifey from Target. $209 shipped!
Denise Richards Confirms
wdloveMar 18, 10:11 PMMany have called for the demise of Apple, but it is still going strong. Anyone that talks against Apple does it at their peril.
SilentwaveJul 16, 11:27 AMI'd beg to differ on that point. MemoryStick is actually doing pretty well in the market considering that the top three cards are SD, CF and MS stick. Granted they keep changing it but it is doing better then Beta, MiniDisc and MinisDisk HD(even though there are many die hard minidisk fans). Hell you even look at those multi memory card readers there is always support for MS stick. So it does look like Sony did something right there.
That's only because one of the biggest brands keeps using it. I honestly can't think of anything Sony doesn't make that uses MS besides card readers.
Even sony must realize its not gonna be such a good idea long term...some of their better cameras don't use it- the new Digital SLR has an adapter to use it- it uses a real professional media format instead.
Brianstorm91Jan 11, 04:54 PMBut the current MacBook is 13.3" and not a Pro model :confused:
I call fake.
FearNo1Apr 23, 01:39 AMUsing your example, couldn't they do that with the GPS tech in most fones today simply by saving your location info in a server side database? I wouldn't put anything pass these companies and govt today.
If LTD wants an example other wise you can see companies start using these feature on the phones to track employees at all time and what they do. Or in court cases them being pulled it to use against one spouse in a mess divorce.
Spying on ones spouse is another example.
petsyMar 24, 12:07 PMWoulda been funnier if the conversation looked like this:
Q: Apple killing iPod?
Sent from my iPhone
A: We have no plans to
Sent from my HTC Hero
I'd like to see a new Classic though, preferably before summer. I'm out of space and there's 40+ gigs in my iTunes that I can't sync to my pod. Don't want to go the whole summer without an updated pod.
Dont Hurt MeMar 20, 09:37 PMapple doesnt aim their market at people who shop for those computers, simple as that.
iJonand since Apple is missing the market so bad its sales have sunk to the lowest % in its history. there will come a point that it wont matter how much money is in their bank because no one will be buying the stuff. Look at iJon even he uses a PC for gaming. most people dont have a pc and a Mac so what do they buy? a PC.
Posted by
1:40 PM
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