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mvkVirtualApr 12, 05:29 PMWho wants IE at all? :rolleyes:
Good point ;)
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iLikeMyiMacAug 19, 07:03 PMI really like your site Especially the desktop section. Its very cool. :D
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Mac6272Oct 26, 12:21 PMIs it only us 3 going?
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GGJstudiosMay 3, 12:00 PMThankyou so much for the link, we will be trying that tonight! Just out of curiosity, do you have any ideas as to why this sort of thing happens or if there is anyway to avoid such things in future?
Nothing that you're doing causes it. There's nothing you need to do, other than follow the recommendations in the FAQ.
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stevodApr 6, 09:52 AMJust to add that both are running 4.3.1.
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/dev/toasterOct 19, 12:38 PMWell, since ADC members aren't getting it early ... looks like I will be standing inline. I am sending my GF down an hour before I get off work, so I will be there around 4pm-ish.
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DurnkPorductionMay 4, 04:59 AMI've sent you a pm, let me know if it works, cheers.
ps, I'll see if there are unused codes and post them here if I find some..
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0s and 1sNov 23, 09:33 AM0s and 1s is a good guy. I have done business with him before and everything worked out great. Goodluck on the move to NYC :) I hope you like snow ;)
Snow......what's that??? ;)
I love the thought of being able to play ice hockey outside!'s hoping I don't come home a month later...
Thanks for the kind words, good sir! Have a great Thanksgiving!

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SatoriApr 15, 07:21 AMGenius... just genius
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jiminausApr 22, 06:20 PMAt first we had to code our own getters and setters. There was no concept of a property in Objective-C 1.0, except by the convention that if a class had a method x and a method setX: then it could have been said to have property x.
Then Apple created Objective-C 2.0 and it introduced the @property and @synthesise directives, as well as the dot notation. And the number of getters and setters we had to write was reduced to near zero. And our getters and setters become correct in the face of concurrency (assuming no nonatomic) which set us up well for the days of multicore CPUs and GCD.
And the people programming in the land of Apple were happy. (Well generally, some have some valid objections to dot notation).
So yeah, it's just syntax. But I'd highly recommend you use it, unless you have strong reasons not to.
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ZorekeFeb 18, 01:20 PMSpyder 2 Pro, color consistency on oyur screen and printer is just great!!! no more color disasters. Plus is really easy to use. If you do graphics is a must have tool, like a wacom tablet.
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vincenzApr 15, 07:45 AMThe keys are the same on both. The angle of the two keyboards MIGHT be different, but I'm not sure.
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Mattie805Mar 9, 08:56 PMi bought an ipad original today in the $100 price drop and love it. i would have gone ipad 2 but there is no retina so ill pass.
anyway, the number one feature that would almost triple the value of it to me would be the ability to answer texts i get from my iphone, on my ipad. its such a hassle if im walking around with it, to set it in a safe place and get my phone out of my pocket or backpack. is there anyway to do this? i will obviously jailbreak it if necessary.

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KwyjiboJul 7, 12:32 PMok so as many of you remember about 6months ago comcast bought att shares in the cable broadband market. This wasn't terrible news to me because not many people in my area have cable and the ervice is still very reliable excpet for my email. At first i thought my email problems were due to the panther beta i was using so to be on the safe side , I backed up and re-installed jaguar works fine except for checking the comcast email addresses...i checked all the field several times and the best it will do is download the mail from a week ago Jun 27 I know there are new emails i've seen them in the webmail then out of desperation i tried entourae which I never really liked and boom it worked like should be. Any ideas on why entourage does it right and doesn't? I really like and want to use it but will i have to have both open at the same time? any ideas from anyone especially comcast users would be great
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BobbieM629Apr 4, 07:45 PMFunny had this same issue yesterday morning called apple and the tech was apparently talking to iTunes support over instant message and they kept telling him that I wasn't putting in my password correctly. The guy's supervisor ended up replicating what i was doing and it didnt work for him as well and still the iTunes support person said it was me somehow which was funny cause the tech on the phone just kept apologizing since he knew it wasn't me.
Finally after about an hour they said just what was mentioned here to log out and log back in. That was it. So simple.
Yeah, when I emailed Apple support all they said was reset the password, which wasn't working! So thankful for this forum!
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longofestOct 25, 10:19 AMGot it off to a good start:
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amtjbJan 19, 10:47 AMThe version comes with Mac Mini Server is most likely for that computer only.
Thank you for the information.
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VunduMay 3, 12:08 PMYep same flash bug but mine focuses straight away.
The camera roll bug bothers me the most where the folder slides up under the title so you cannot click it.
Hackint0sh814May 3, 03:09 PMUse Handbrake. Its free and it has iPad specific profiles. You also get good control of the file size, with the understanding that smaller file size typically means lesser picture quality.
Handbrake FTW!
flopticalcubeApr 25, 11:07 PMReset the SMC (see link in sig). It could be the power board is not functioning. On some MacBooks, this is a separate board.
jbobsessed2013Mar 5, 08:14 PMthanks! good to know
mBurnsJun 22, 12:27 AMActually, that's an iPod Mini.
bizzleMar 13, 05:02 PMYou need a 2.5" IDE hard drive enclosure or 2.5" to 3.5" IDE adapter.