vanessa marcil son

images Vanessa Marcil Returns as vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Ve Carmen Electra Beyaz#39;da Carmen_electra-04Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Ve Carmen Electra Beyaz#39;da Carmen_electra-04

samay07-06 12:08 PMHello,

Could you tell at 140 level does a candidate needs to submit all the previous
H1 Approval notices.

I couldnt submit my previous 140 approval notice since it was during 2000-2001. How important is the previous H1 B approval notices for a 140 approval ? . I submitted the current approval notice which is from 2006-2009



We normally submit all the previous H-1B approvals with the I-140 application. I am a bit confused from your post is there a gap in your H-1 B approvals.

wallpaper Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Ve Carmen Electra Beyaz#39;da Carmen_electra-04 vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Son Images: DVDVanessa Marcil Son Images: DVD

sunnymit07-30 02:37 PMI met this dude in Secaucus (NJ) Walmart yesterday. I was looking for an ice-cream so he pretended to do the same. Smiled at me once and then just as I was walking away from the ice-cream sections comes over with a very nice hello. Started talking to me "as they always do" but I think this time he forgot where he was. First asked me "Do you know where is a Walmart around here?", quickly realized he is in one right now, checked, and continued, "I mean, this is one but do you know another one around here?". Then "Do you know when this closes", "Is this 24/7 walmart". I mean.. seriously dude! You think I am the best person to answer those questions for you - why? Best of all, he says he just moved here from Harrison (NJ) which is like 5 miles from the Walmart he was in!

Totally confused this guys, me thinks :)

vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Natalie K: BRIDE OF THE WEEK: Megan FoxVanessa Marcil Son Images: Natalie K: BRIDE OF THE WEEK: Megan Fox

franklin02-13 03:09 PMI take up the challenge. I'm ROW, maybe this is the spur that will make me participate somewhat.

Yes, such a pity there was no one from the ROW group present in DC

2011 Vanessa Marcil Son Images: DVD vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Son Images:Vanessa Marcil Son Images:

Rohan9907-27 04:33 PMI think Kushal went to check which 1099 form to fill.... looks like platinum- amway joker told him only the 1st four digits.

Someone in this thread was saying about Indians landing in USA for the first time were taken immediately to Amway meetings ....that is true

It happened to me and my roommate within one month of landing. I didn't knew driving nor did my roommate and 2 amway jokers (from same company where i worked) came and took as to the meeting under the pretext of showing us places in US. Once I reached to their meeting place in some hotel, I thought it must be genuine/good business because hotel (I think it was Marriott) was so good (first time to hotel outside india ). Then the presentation started and I could see only Indians, soon after presentation was over other jokers started approaching as but they could hardly speak English, this raised alarm and my roommate said to me how can such people do business when they cannot speak also and we noticed lots of people from one particular part of India. After this we decided to leave but it was hard ...because we had no car and it was very cold outside (8pm) and joker tried to force us to sign the membership else ....indirectly meant you go home alone.... but we didn't sign told him that we will do it latter and since he was from our office he had to drop us back home but after looong--looong wait.

I want some Amway Joker to say that they don't do this kind of cheap and dirty things...... if you make so much money then why bother others.

Did he run away with tail between his legs.


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samay07-15 05:18 PMHi there,

Here is my situation, any help to resolve this is appreciated.
- My self (primary) & my wife's(derivative) I-485's (PD June 2002) were filed in March 2007.
- My I-485 was approved in July 2007, my wife's was pending due to NC.
- My wife's employer filed PERM (PD June 2007) & then filed I-140 in March 2008.
- We recently contacted NSC regarding my wife's case status, we received a letter from them stating that, her I485 is waiting for I-140 to get approved.

They linked her new I-140 to her pending I-485 that was filed as derivative.Is this USCIS error?.How to correct this error and have them consider her I-485 application as a derivative application?.

Thanks for your help.

[COLOR="Blue"]Your attorney should get in touch with the USCIS.This situation can be sorted out with informing the USCIS. In case you require any assistance please get in touch with me.

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paskal12-13 11:13 AMemployment base makes up only about 11% of all immigration
the country would not be "colonized" by choosing people for this category on merit alone. as for 90%- this is too is frankly a wave in my view, all things change, for now many Indian techs want to come and they have jobs available, tomorrow one or both of those things may not be true. But none that justifies treating people differently because of where they are born.

this is entirely my personal opinion: if extended families (like adult siblings and their entire families) were excluded from FB, country quotas would lose some of their "need" and FB would not have to be the overwhelming majority of immigration numbers.

How about I ask you why the "diversity" is not needed in other things. how about a quota for religion? profession? color of skin...? all those can be diversity issue. What if I said not more than 7% STEM graduates? I'm sure the Programmers Guild would agree. If you don't like those ideas, why country of birth?

The fact remains though that EB is a skill based category. If I or you(?) join a company with identical (or better) credentials as someone from Congo/Sweden/Belize (whatever), they would have an EB2 GC in 1-2 years, we would sit for 10 and stew under multiple career holds and restrictions. Since no body from India would ever get the EB2 GC quickly, an entire subset of immigrants (based on country of birth) are ALWAYS held behind. You are presuming that somehow this benefits the US. Get skilled immigrants- but don't let a whole bunch of them rise to their levels of ability because they were born wrong. I am at a disadvantage because other people from my country applied for a GC. But when my employer takes me on, he does not care where I was born. My skillset has nothing to do with it. Why is my application (which is based on that employer and my skillset) hostage to something that is not even in the equation? This country is about individual freedom. I am here and an applicant for GC as an individual. What do I have to do with others who apply?

Fair? You decide.


vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil (; born SallyVanessa Marcil (; born Sally

kalyan07-21 04:12 PMIf PD moves to last quarter of 2007 within a year, then there would be no candidates (EB2), since all will still be stuck in PERM audits which will take 6-12 more months to clear + I-140 processing time.

So, they move PD dates faster but freeze PERM apps. I am confused:confused: Any insights?

where are they freezing perm Apps. Mine was filed in march and got out in May '08. This was my first LC.

I am glad they cleared in 2 months. I know couple of guys who got out in 2 months for their LC.

There are lot of people who filed after Augst 2007 but not that many as influx when everything is made current.

2010 Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Natalie K: BRIDE OF THE WEEK: Megan Fox vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Returns asVanessa Marcil Returns as

poorslumdog08-18 11:33 PMsorry, I love preaching.

by the way I was referring to "the guy who thinks americans think he is a slumdog...." not you or everyone. But then again you think that I think that you lead a life lower than average. If you think you agreed with me, instead of calling it obvious being defensive and, just agree with me. OK? And get that chip off your shoulder as well.

I think you think too the way this is how you communicate in your office. American would think twice even come near to you...Good defence...:D


vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo:Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo:

Michael chertoff01-13 11:50 AMGood Things about IV
1. IV Core does not conduct its business in the forum. They learnt this lesson a long time ago.
2. All their work is done in the donor forum and behind the scenes by volunteers
3. If they feel that any idea is worth pursuing they invite that person (with the idea) behind the scenes and pursue that idea
4. All the work is done by IV members themselves because they are helping themselves
5. IV members are investing time and money to do work which impacts a large number of immigrants
6. That is a professional way to do stuff and i admire the way work is done at IV

Concerns of IV
1. IV always states about the lack of will of people to do something for themselves
2. IV always states that people just comment on forum but do not step forward to do stuff
3. IV always says that people do not donate enough and without donation a grassroot organization will not survive

What IV is doing wrong
1. IV talks about a holistic approach whereby the benefit to EB community will trickle down and once EB2 will become current EB3 will get benefit of spillover
2. IV is assuming EB2 will become current but with the number of indians coming to USA and number of indian students who will graduate from MS courses in USA over the next 5 years EB2I will always be backlogged
3. Plus we are not even talking about EB2 ROW and EB3ROW demand which could go up
4. Supporting the DV 55k bill to US educated GC applicants on the whole looks like a great plan. Sure here are 55k and here are about 150 k GC applicants. 150 - 50 IS 100 K. So if the bill passes we reduce the backlog by 50 k. Now i will am one of the person who will be getting a GC because i am US educated but my opposition to this bill is on principle
5. What IV has to realise is that it is not only IV members specifically but it is a whole lot of non IV members who are EB3 who have been a bigger person in this whole immigration retorgression advocacy scheme of things till now.

How let me explain. We have seen EB3 persons from 2002 who are still waiting for GC and who are not getting spill over visas because EB2 is using up all the spill over visas. So do you see any EB3 now complaining about the rule change supported by IV and made by USCIS whereby EB2 gets spill over visas. NO we do not see any EB3 complaining. That is because EB3 as a whole understands that that rule in the past being interpeted in a wrong way and the current way is the correct interpetation. Sure the old method gave EB3 some extra spill over visa benefit but the new interpetation caused EB3 to dry up compleletly. Now that in itself is against the very nature of self preservation by definition, But EB3 went along for the greater good

What IV can do right
1. Now we have this 55K DV Bill. This is something different from the spillover (which is law and cannot be changed). This is one time oppurtunity to alieviate the sufferings of EB group as a whole. So can IV which is supposed to be talking for the whole EB community do the right thing here and ensure (with advocacy they are so good at) that IV's stand is that 55K visa are given to all GC applicant from retrogressed countries based on oldest priority date first irrespective of EB2 and EB3.

2. The concequence of such a move is that long retrogressed EB applicants will get relief (Which is one of the point IV talks about in their charter)
3. Sure Many US educated applicants from EB2 and EB3 will oppose this move because lets face it, this move impacts their getting GC sooner. And if they behave like that they are in the same category as EB2 guys on this forum who do not entertain any idea which will impact their getting GC soon.

What wil happen if IV does the above
1. The DV 55K bill will NEVER pass in congress. This along with the other bills we have seen will bite the dust because no one in the current economic scenario would like to see more immigrants (US educated or not)

2. The DV 55K bill will fail but IV would have achieved what it has failed to do till now. Get the support of EB3 community which they claim to represent.

How how does this work. This is a suggestion for discussion NOT a diktat to IV core to implement. If IV core does not allow discussion on this (and moderate this because frankly some of your existing advocacy group members and volunteers do not know what a discussion is and come out both fists swinging) then that is IV core perogative. they have that right since this is their system and they worked hard for it, and they believe what they say is right.

One question i do have for all the members who have argued with me here. Have you seen all the discussion i have participated under and my other posts. Please do that before yelling that i was a member since 2006 and freeloader and all that. You need to do this because if i am you enemy (Scounderal, Liad weed, Anti Immgrant, Future USA etc) then don't you think to know your enemy is better.

On a funny flip side ...............................
How will this be treated by the current members
Ohh He is a liar, cheat, sounderrl, absurer, voilent person, free loader, smooch, weed, Anti Immgrant, future USA and other unspeakable things

By the way guys i am a She not a He


Only one thing I like in this big post,, that is you are not HE you are SHE... we can be friends, you are so nice.


hair Vanessa Marcil Son Images: vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil AdrienneVanessa Marcil Adrienne

ita03-29 02:12 PMor is it ignorance? (even if you are responding to someone' post)
Hindus in India have come a long way when it comes to religious tolerance,don't you know that?
Remember we had a Muslim as president(Abdul Kalam) a Sikh for PM(Manmohan Singh) a Italian Roman Catholic as the president of the ruling party(Sonia Gandhi).

But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on

If you say so then I think Sonial Gandhi/Rahul Gandhi/(even Priyanka Gandhi would be the front runners in list. Don't forget Sikh riots/Bofors/Oil Scam/the now Missile scam /KGB connection (ref 'State Within State')/ Rahul Gandhi's arrest by FBI and many more...

Here, have fun... enjoy this.( I know if it was written by a Hindu you would come back saying it's biased.But now you can really enjoy it )

To all it's a must read m/Written%2520Material/Christian%2520India.doc+ambika+soni+religion&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

On a side note:
Kashmir Hindus were ousted by Muslims. Even during the recent Mumbai attacks perpetrators gave a interview to the news channel saying that it is an attack on the Hindu India.
Still Hindus maintained communal harmony even though Antulay, a muslim ,tried to take advantage of the situation.Still people like you carp about Muslim discrimination.
What is this desperation to keep the almost non-existent (Hindus-hate Muslims, Hindus hate Christians)hatred/discrimination alive even though reality time and again proves the harmony of Hindus.

Even after all this I believe the truth that be it Hindus/Muslims/Christians... we are human beings and equal by the very virtue .

US just elected a President who father and step father are Muslims. And that is great and the world appreciates that because it shows that this country can judge a person by his skills or character and not get stuck in bigoted views about muslims or other minorities. And we love this country for that

But when it comes to India, don't you think of voting for Rahul gandhi because he might have some blood of either a parsi or ('god forbid') muslim in him. That certainly should dis qualify him, shouldn't it. Nepotism is certainly bad but this takes the cake. Dont vote for him because he might be 10% parsi/muslim (I am sure you have not forgotten about the italian heritage but you can raise that later). But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on


vanessa marcil son. Vanessa Marcil Son Images: Kristen StewartVanessa Marcil Son Images: Kristen Stewart

Subst_labor03-17 11:09 PMwell if you feel offended, i am ready to offer my apologies. are you ready to take back your baseless accusations-that got me started up in the first place.

BTW, i dont even know what IV is??

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lordoftherings07-10 11:06 AMVancouver is really a nice place with beautiful climate all the year around even better than seattle. Good Luck!!



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snathan09-04 03:13 PMNice point truefacts. If indeed we were able to somehow communicate this system to folks in India it would be great. Let us keep the hopes that this will happen some day. Might be due to desperation or some major calamity but somehow people will realize that this corrupt system is unustainable and needs dramatic repair.
By the way there is another thread with lists of people who died with a request for prayer!! This is another example of how manipulative personalities not only create a chaotic unsustainable regime while they live but also leave a chaotic system once they die.

I guess it was sarcastic post by the OP.

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reddymjm09-23 03:42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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jonty_1106-28 06:16 PMVisa Bulletin April 2007
PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


Employment-based: It is likely that the Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� (EW) category will become unavailable beginning in May.

Both of these issues are the direct result of low annual limits and very heavy demand for numbers, primarily for adjustment of status cases at Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices.

Visa Bulletin for May 2007
PD for Other workers category was U (unavailable)


The Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� category is expected to reach the annual numerical limit during April. As a result, the category will become �Unavailable� beginning in May and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

Visa Bulletin for June 2007
PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


A few �Other Worker� numbers which had been allocated for April were returned unused at the end of the month. As a result, a very small June allocation has been possible, for applicants with priority dates before October 1, 2001. The category will become �Unavailable� once again beginning in July and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

So the VB does in fact indicate that there is only a "small June allocation" possible.
This is positive info..
At least nothing like this was posted for EB2/3 categories.....fingers crossed.

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vikki7605-10 04:33 PMAustralia is backup option for me. For various personal reasons-I didn't chose Canada.
Cons of immigration to Canada
-Dependency on US
-not very diverse society

Pros of Australia
-Trading partners with N America,Europe,Asia
-Very very diverse society with east europeans,south east asians
As for job scene,I am thinking that both are almost same, but in Australia,indian firms have a major presence.It is cheaper to open an office in Melbourne than in Bangalore!.


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At the beginning of each month, the Visa Office receives a report from each immigrant visa processing post listing totals of documentarily qualified immigrant visa applicants in categories subject to numerical limitation.
Cases are grouped by foreign state chargeability/preference/priority date. No names are reported. During the first week of each month, this documentarily qualified demand is tabulated.

VO subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations which are specified by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants reported to VO, and the expected INS demand for numbers, are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment. This allows for the determination of the monthly cut-off dates, and the allotment of numbers for reported applicants who have priority dates within the newly established cut-off dates.

If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered "current."

From this it is very clear that the number of Visas available for the rest of the FY 07 is enough to accept as many applications as can be approved in those 3 months(July, Aug and Sep).

According to Ombudsmn report a documentarily qualified applicant is an applicant with approved I-485. The ombudsman report is a must read; most of the threads will not pop up if everyone reads them.

The report also says USCIS can not predict these numbers accurately. That is why 10K GCs were wasted last year and 40K were exepected to be wasted this year. They moved PD to avoid the waste.

USCIS knows the exact # of approved 485's before dates moved for June. So they know exactly when 2007 GCs will get exhausted by earlier approved ones, if at all they will get exhausted.

I think they will retrogress dates after using 2008 quota. That is dates will retrogress in Nov/Dec.

We can do some more analysis based on PD for june (which I don't know). What is the date set for June submissions? Thanks!

girlfriend Vanessa Marcil was born on vanessa marcil son. Andre Hennicke - Biography andAndre Hennicke - Biography and

Marphad05-18 01:19 PMHow has panini's profile in THIS THREAD got anything to do with immigration? this is NOT an immigration related thread. If you should police a person's profile in an immigration related thread no one would object, but this is the wrong thread. And isn't the default changeability the US ? Your accusations are pretty strong and doesn't seem to have any backing; what are the rumors that he has been spreading ? anti immigrant ???

If you should police this site, then ask the Admin's to close non immigration related threads that have a political debate involved.


Panini's profile is "WRONG" on this thread too:

More, It is wrong to put fake data. All I suggested is that it has some impact on his credibility and his reaction was very strong. I agree with his post contents and second them too! Not comfortable with someone roaming around with fake profile - keep in mind profile is the same whether it is immigration or non-immigration related thread.

You tell me the reason you think why Panini put wrong profile data. OK, you don't know, then tell me why you put correct profile information? You will get your answer.

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hebbar7709-04 06:22 PMdealsnet,

Don�t assume that things will work like they work in YSR regime.

If you think that, the discussion does not make any sense to you then keep away. You are assuming that IMV has compromised security. FYI, this is not a YSR forum, nor it his jagir to do a security compromise.

True facts: I am with you on your thoughts. I feel the same for OUR country.

Jerrome05-11 05:35 PMHmmm... Not sure what you mean about my opinion and mindset. I was only responding to your "accusation" of SL government destroying "competitiveness" by providing some facts openly known to almost all Sri Lankans but not in the outside world. Those facts also give you an insight in to the root cause of the problem. You are free to form any opinions about me. Just remember that there are two sides to each story. Look at both sides before you make a judgement.

As for your wish wanting to see Sinhalese and Tamils living as equals in a peaceful sri lanka, we all share that sentiment with you and Thank you for that. Hopefully that day is not too far.

Panini, Since i know the history better i was making those comments, My opinions are not based on the articles or something which i read recently.

Do you dispute this link, do you think even this is Pro LTTE.

Tell me is any of this root causes identified in this wikipedia entry is going to be GONE after this war against Terror. I don't think SO.

Now tell me how the problem will be solved if these root causes are not resolved.

senthil106-11 10:50 PMThere were many compelling reasons for recapture bill on 1999-2000. Top 3 reasons were
1. Demand was very high and in some areas only less than 2 persons were available for 4 positions.
2. Outsourcing was very low. There is no other way than importing foreigners. Now even if demand increases many positions are going for outsourcing.
3.There were no AC21. So many people started leaving country after completion of 6 years H1b causing huge problems to companies and country.Companies could get recapture and AC21. Now atleast 80% of the H1b persons are willing to stay even 15 years without green card using ac21.

Now only green card aspirants are suffering due to deley in green card not the companies or country. But country and companies are using the H1b persons by just showing green card carrot but actually not giving it.

Dilip Dude,
As said before by unseenguy, your case is just plain LUCK, if there was no bill during 1999-2000 to recapture and increase GC quota, you would have been still struck in BEC counting days for GC,forget Citizenship. Just because you are over qualified(or under!) than others does not make you special or get you GC faster, you just had some good KARMA, thats it...

Anyways, your attitude of blaming others(h1/l1 etc.) for decrease in your quality of life is just plain STUPID and shows your maturity.

I wish you are not in a managerial position, I have seen many Desi managers like you who give hard time to fellow Desi folks working under them thinking they rule the world and they are the only qualified one who knows all.

My advice is wish good for others not bad, this will get you more good karma and maybe get your citizenship faster.. :-)

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