solar system

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ramus07-03 10:25 PMMecaca,

Are you getting input on your template? Just want to make sure everybody is helping you...

Thanks a lot for your leadership..

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prem_goel06-12 01:32 AMGuys, I've heard (and only heard - don't red me now) that Cognizant has its H-1Bs being rejected and I've heard as far as this that some of the people in Cognizant who got green card through EB-1 category have been deported due to investigation after complaints regarding misuse of EB-1 category by these companies.

has anyone else heard the same?

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ronhira01-13 12:15 PMwhy doesn't anyone in iv core get it dammit..... this is crystal clear..... what more do u want...... now get mov'in & get green cards for all of us by next week..... :rolleyes:

Good Things about IV
1. IV Core does not conduct its business in the forum. They learnt this lesson a long time ago.
2. All their work is done in the donor forum and behind the scenes by volunteers
3. If they feel that any idea is worth pursuing they invite that person (with the idea) behind the scenes and pursue that idea
4. All the work is done by IV members themselves because they are helping themselves
5. IV members are investing time and money to do work which impacts a large number of immigrants
6. That is a professional way to do stuff and i admire the way work is done at IV

Concerns of IV
1. IV always states about the lack of will of people to do something for themselves
2. IV always states that people just comment on forum but do not step forward to do stuff
3. IV always says that people do not donate enough and without donation a grassroot organization will not survive

What IV is doing wrong
1. IV talks about a holistic approach whereby the benefit to EB community will trickle down and once EB2 will become current EB3 will get benefit of spillover
2. IV is assuming EB2 will become current but with the number of indians coming to USA and number of indian students who will graduate from MS courses in USA over the next 5 years EB2I will always be backlogged
3. Plus we are not even talking about EB2 ROW and EB3ROW demand which could go up
4. Supporting the DV 55k bill to US educated GC applicants on the whole looks like a great plan. Sure here are 55k and here are about 150 k GC applicants. 150 - 50 IS 100 K. So if the bill passes we reduce the backlog by 50 k. Now i will am one of the person who will be getting a GC because i am US educated but my opposition to this bill is on principle
5. What IV has to realise is that it is not only IV members specifically but it is a whole lot of non IV members who are EB3 who have been a bigger person in this whole immigration retorgression advocacy scheme of things till now.

How let me explain. We have seen EB3 persons from 2002 who are still waiting for GC and who are not getting spill over visas because EB2 is using up all the spill over visas. So do you see any EB3 now complaining about the rule change supported by IV and made by USCIS whereby EB2 gets spill over visas. NO we do not see any EB3 complaining. That is because EB3 as a whole understands that that rule in the past being interpeted in a wrong way and the current way is the correct interpetation. Sure the old method gave EB3 some extra spill over visa benefit but the new interpetation caused EB3 to dry up compleletly. Now that in itself is against the very nature of self preservation by definition, But EB3 went along for the greater good

What IV can do right
1. Now we have this 55K DV Bill. This is something different from the spillover (which is law and cannot be changed). This is one time oppurtunity to alieviate the sufferings of EB group as a whole. So can IV which is supposed to be talking for the whole EB community do the right thing here and ensure (with advocacy they are so good at) that IV's stand is that 55K visa are given to all GC applicant from retrogressed countries based on oldest priority date first irrespective of EB2 and EB3.

2. The concequence of such a move is that long retrogressed EB applicants will get relief (Which is one of the point IV talks about in their charter)
3. Sure Many US educated applicants from EB2 and EB3 will oppose this move because lets face it, this move impacts their getting GC sooner. And if they behave like that they are in the same category as EB2 guys on this forum who do not entertain any idea which will impact their getting GC soon.

What wil happen if IV does the above
1. The DV 55K bill will NEVER pass in congress. This along with the other bills we have seen will bite the dust because no one in the current economic scenario would like to see more immigrants (US educated or not)

2. The DV 55K bill will fail but IV would have achieved what it has failed to do till now. Get the support of EB3 community which they claim to represent.

How how does this work. This is a suggestion for discussion NOT a diktat to IV core to implement. If IV core does not allow discussion on this (and moderate this because frankly some of your existing advocacy group members and volunteers do not know what a discussion is and come out both fists swinging) then that is IV core perogative. they have that right since this is their system and they worked hard for it, and they believe what they say is right.

One question i do have for all the members who have argued with me here. Have you seen all the discussion i have participated under and my other posts. Please do that before yelling that i was a member since 2006 and freeloader and all that. You need to do this because if i am you enemy (Scounderal, Liad weed, Anti Immgrant, Future USA etc) then don't you think to know your enemy is better.

On a funny flip side ...............................
How will this be treated by the current members
Ohh He is a liar, cheat, sounderrl, absurer, voilent person, free loader, smooch, weed, Anti Immgrant, future USA and other unspeakable things

By the way guys i am a She not a He


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chanduv2302-13 10:59 PMyou cannot sue for incompetence, or the courts would be full!

Yes, this is what IV core had told us before.

But members seem to be enthuiastic about having a case, so it may not hurt to consult an Attorney for legal opinion.


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amsgc12-13 10:40 PMI advocate talking to policymakers, writing to them, and calling in on any talkshow on the radio/tv - where ever there is an opportunity.
I am not sure if we can challenge the legality of the system. However, I do question the motivation behind this policy. It is morally and ethically wrong and does not make any economic sense. It is probably hurting the economy, if you get my drift. My thought is that it can be adressed by enlightening the very people who put this policy in place - the congressmen/women.

Welcome to the board... we are just analyzing which way to fight is better. Mark is saying lobbying is the only way, some other say exploring to challenge in court worth a try...some say not worth it-forget it. Have your opinion pitch in please.:)

solar system. Solar System ChartSolar System Chart

sk200608-16 01:51 AMThe original post was not about SRK detention.. but it was giving an idea of US immigration system. Well everyone here is singing praises of US immigration system.. if anyone of you will be detained if simillar name flashes on their computer and detained for hours and sent back then i hope you guys don't change your tune.. Thanks for all your reds.. looks like some people over here are interested in green or red.. crazy guys!!! go get a life.

Can you point to a single post praising the immigration system.


solar system. New Solar SystemNew Solar System

nixstor02-14 01:29 PMWatch and see how fast the Michigan government will start issuing DL to H1B holders and to those who has pending I-485.

Just a FYI, MI law only does not allow DL's for new applicants.

Existing F1's/H1B's and those who already filed for 485's can keep renewing it.

That said, I understand that you are using it as an analogy to say that the lawsuit against USCIS is successful.

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chintu2502-13 10:14 AMI agree with some senior members when they say that no one individual will come forward for the lawsuit . And I ask why should they ??

And I think, even if one single or 2-3 people do come forward it will not be possible.
This is the reason we have forums like our IV so that all can come together and take a decisive step together .

Who can stop IV to file a lawsuit USCIS ? NO ONE

Many members went on blabbering about how long the process is and how expensive it is ... REMINDER if we can come together and collect upwards of 35k FOR "Lobbying Efforts" we can definitely collect funds for a lawsuit.

Some one here rightly said ...If we are retrogessed and there is a queue ..Is it because of you or me NO it is due to the inefficiency of the USCIS.


Again , I want to reiterate , I think if IV core takes lead...hires a good attorney ....we will have funds for it....we have proved it in the past that IVians can contribute



sb1507-22 01:39 PMMy Alien # on I-140 approval notice is different from my I-485 receipt notice, will this cause an issue ? I appreciate your service.

Thank you

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knowDOL05-19 09:44 AMAugust 2003 is a good PD if it were EB2 and you could have stayed with your company. I heard in this forum from someone that, if the person is Masters graduate and worked in related for three years they are exempt from cap even though they applied in EB3 category. If this is true, it is good for you to stay in your current company and not try substitution. If this is not true and if I were you I would have gone for substitution.

What ever you do, do it with good terms with your current employer, so you can come back and join them and be able to use the 2003 PD, if some thing goes wrong with your substitution. If you leave the company and join something else, if you think that you cannot join them back, then it may not worth it. Again, it depends on your personal situation, if you don't have a spouse who is waiting for EAD to work, you should not be risking this.


solar system. The Solar System and BeyondThe Solar System and Beyond

amitjoey01-13 04:14 PMOnce upon a time in this country ( & based on situation 'at' that time), laws were made and hence some classifications such as EB1/2/3 etc;
I'm not here to waste any one's time( including mine) but why shouldn't we ( i mean IV which includes "all" members) try for following
1. Automatic consideration of any EB3 after 5 years of filing date of LC ( conditions being verifiable and clean work history ) to EB2 such as a person in the queue shall be able to apply him/her self by providing facts such as 5 years of W2s, say for example.

2. Any spill over from ROW must "first" be made available to "highly retrogressed EB category" regardless of the country. Simple rule: make the spill over available to "that" EB category where there is most retrogession.
Meaning not the vertical spill as it is happening now


3. Remove the count of dependent family members against number of visas granted per year in any of EB category

IV already has easy, non controversial provisions that takes care of all.
1) Recapture all lost visas.
2) NO Country caps
3) Do not count dependants.

Just these 3 will make all categories current.

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VivekAhuja09-23 04:03 PMOne of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard!


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gc_aspirant_prasad07-03 03:56 PMtheir office was not aware of this. Drew their attention to the statement by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren.
They ve promised to check & do what they can.

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H1B-GC02-06 02:44 PMi consider Mathew Oh,the most considerate and highy respected.His Q&A's are very individual centric but still answers those questions and posts those on his site.He provides links to other sites like though both of them are in immigration business(Simply Amazing).And he was the only one who was helpling us or showing real concern during s.1932 fiasco.Simply an Oustanding guy.Next comes Rajiv khanna since he never moderates the forum or censors other immigration sites in the forum.And for his lawsuit on behalf of all EB immigrants in 2002/2003.

And Regarding s.1932,it was posted on the Murthy site as breaking News :eek: after a week i believe that the Bill wasn't passed in the senate/house.It was a Joke of 2005!! :D


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gopinathan07-28 01:04 PMyour past experience is doing this talk.. not only you, 99 % of people I met have the same animosity towards other desis who are walking towards them. unfortunate but true.

if you don't give a damn about Amway, thats OK. no outsiders need to know that and surely not me as I will not talk to you about amway in the first place. thats the whole point. no one should rub it on others. sometimes relatives/friends go a little overboard trying to sell this pitch but that OK. its between 2 people who know each other and its just between them.

Hi Gopi,
Good post. But tell me why should i give a damn about either Amway or BWW? I don't.

It is horribly insane to talk to your business ambitions to a stranger. Every person is different and I personally take it offensive when someone I don't know comes and bothers me with his/her business nonsense. I am sure there are many people who think in the same way.

In the beginning, whenever a I came across a Desi in a mall or in a public place, it used to make me happy. Now, I always suspect that it could be a Amway SOB who is coming to me with his trash bag.

By the way, Gopi, this is nothing against you personally.

To all Amway street walkers, get the hell out of my way. I don't want to hear your nonsense. Period.

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anilsal11-09 09:33 AMThis discussion can go on and on. Here is my take.

* US is one of the countries people are flocking into. Even lots of people from UK, Australia and Canada come here to settle.
* Given this, whenever there are opportunities to lure people in, there will be takers and people who sell (like preapproved labor). If USCIS puts a stop on preapproved labor, then there will be other avenues to take advantage of.

You may have others in your field/company who are less-educated than you, younger than you and earning more than you, so can you lose sleep over it? No! It is part of life.

Just focus your energies on IV and its adoption. :)


makeup OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM solar system. of the Solar system.of the Solar system.

NKR02-15 06:52 PMFor the most part I think you're right. When I did my master's we were less than 10 white people in 200 in that major. Most of the indian people in there (about half of the 190) were H4s studying while the spouse came on H1 directly from India. And while I had to pay international tuition they got the in state resident tuition.
When I finished my degree might I add in the top 5 of those 200 I had a hard time finding a job while my colleagues each knew someone who helped them land a job a lot easier. I did ok for myself in the end and I have many Indian friends so don't take this as an anti-indian post. But there are definitely advantages to be part of a big group that is concentrated in an industry.

That being said, I don't think that we would be having this discussion in a normal world in which the GC numbers are enough. So stop the bickering and work towards increasing those numbers. That will make life easier for everybody.

If the spouses are allowed to work, then their one or two years salary is more than the international fee that you paid. Who is the biggest loser.

H4 people going to college is just a miniscule compared to the number of desi students who come here with a good GRE and GMAT scores.

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tikka07-04 12:22 AMlets focus on this one.. ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who

the faster it gets to 100 DIGS the popular the article will be. Will help give our issue exposure

thank you !!

and counting.....

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syzygy07-12 04:57 PMAnd also add the amount we are paying on regular basis to law firms to talking to their para legals, mental stress and percentage what contracting companies with hold along with amount we are losing because we are not in stable situation to invest in things like real estate.

I always has that question what is the real difference, hear people sayinig more taxes less salary and all that but don't know the actual difference yet.
Will appreciate if someone can shed more light or post a link.

sodh01-24 12:23 AMI wish they put him in a cell where his mates are, do I have to elaborate, the moderator will delete my post.

vivid_bharti04-20 09:47 PMYou want the people to be stuck in the black hole for another 5 years ? Here are some facts about Mr. Manmohan Singh....
1) Three of his Cabinet ministers belonging to DMK/NCP/PMK after travelling abroad --including to Tax Havens refused to give reports of their foreign trips to PMO. PMO Could not /did not do anything

2) The HRD minster Arjun singh did not attend any Cabinet meetings under Singh --the mumbling PM could not /did not even ask for an explanation.

3) He was forced to give pensions for Marxists Terrorists of Telengana who fought against the Indian state in 1948 -under freedom fighters category . He did not have guts to point out that you cannot give such pensions to those who fought the Indian army

4) He donated nearly Rs.60 Crores to Cambridge[ to celebrate the admission of Nehru] and Harvard [ Perhaps to reduce the Stock Market losses! of their funds] when Indian institutions are crying for funds. He fumbled when he was "instructed" by number 10.

5) He Promised a Terror Law in a Governor's Conference to be over ruled by his own Party's Spokesperson who got instructions from number 10

6) DMK Chief announced the new Cabinet Minister [ Raja] for Tele communication from Chennai—instead of PMO announcing the new Cabinet Minster.

7) As a Finance Minister in 1991 --his first task was to grant Rs.100 Crores for Rajiv Foundation and was over ruled by PVN after a hue and cry.The same obeisance he showed as PM to number 10.

8) He's plainly & cunningly refusing to contest election, simply seeking backdoor entry to the PMO, thru the puupet string from number 10

9) Plainly refused to debate with LK Advani, reason ?? Don't have a single credit to talk about.

Also in case you haven't visited India in last 5 years and don't know the ground realities and all our knowledge is based on Indian media(NDTV, IBN, Hindustan times) , here's a clip from CAG report which will tell you how poor this govt's performance was

" CAG report on NREGA has said that out of the 3.81 crore rural households that registered under the scheme, only 22 lakh households — a mere 6% — got 100 days of legally guaranteed employment; project completion rate in National Highways fell from 81% in 2004-05 to 17% in 2007-2008; the 11th Plan had set a target of adding 90,700 MW of power; yet in its first seven quarters, a mere 10,877 MW has been added; and leakages continue unabated and unchecked in PDS. Given the Manmohan Singh government’s well-earned reputation for weakness on these issues, convincing the electorate will be no mean task."

you can read the whole article at

If you have more please add here.........
should be ' NO CHANGE'

i.e. continue with what we had for the past 5 years

India deserves nothing but the best and so there should be 'No Change' in leadership

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