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Rohan9907-22 12:30 PMTeddy ... I like your calculation and read all your posting on Calculation thread. This is a fun thread to relax. So don't take it seriously.

If I was bad person then I will try to derail the good thread.

Folks and friends some really nice knowledge sharing is happening here it�s a good discussion. The OP here is a completely fake person and is enjoying at our expense, he has nothing to do with legal immigration just getting pleasure here by instigating us.

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unitednations02-18 08:29 PMstart from the bottom as that was the first e-mail. I took off identifying information and financial info. for obvious purposes:


Dear xxxx

Thank you very much for your quick reply. I talked to the family and advised them that the best way to proceed is you the doing the ability to pay part. They are talking to some people to get the money together. I will call them back after 4PM. Can we pay by debit card, or check or money order? Time is of the essence because of the B2 expiration on 2/11/07. I have the labor certification, (the one I printed off the website, we did not get the signed one from them yet, but it is the same). I have the 2005 tax return. I need to get the bank statements. Can I fax those to you? I also have something like a financial statement for 2006. If the numbers don't add up, you can still help us?

Thank you so much for helping us. I know you are very busy.


Most CPA�s don�t do audited financial statements. Reason is that there is a lot of things from a regulatory point of view that CPA�s have to keep up with in order to do audits. For this reason, most cpa�s won�t do them.

An audit is a big thing; it is not a small thing. I wouldn�t consider this as an option for you.

If you want me to do the ability to pay part then it will cost $xxxx.

I will need: Copy of labor certification, 2005 federal tax returns of company. Bank statements of company for October, November and December 2006. If the numbers aren�t the way they need to be then there are still remedies.



From: xxx
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:34 PM
To: xxx
Subject: RE:

Dear xxxxx

First of all, thank you very much for your help. It is really appreciated. I have been researching this subject and was not able to find anything valuable until I found your name. It is really great that you are helping these people.
I know your time is very valuable but I forgot to ask you whether or not we have to get the 2006 December bank statement certified or just send the original? If the CPA is not able to do audited financial statement for 2006 (which I doubt) are you available to do it? If we do that do we still need to send 2005 tax return? (Labor was filed on 12/26/06 and certified on 1/4/2007. )
You are the only one who can help us with this questions. I know you are extremely busy, but I am really trying to do this right for this family. They gave up everything in Hungary, (they made like $400.00 per month and life is more expensive than here), so it would be great hardship for them to go back. As I said they don't even have an attorney here. I don't know if that matters because most of them don't know half of what you guys know.
Anyways please, let me know how to proceed.

Thank you very much


You have to prove ability to pay from the date that labor was filed with state department of labor. Therefore, if you sent the labor in 2001 then you have to prove ability to pay for 2001 through 2006.

Audited financial statements are very expensive and probably do not suit your needs (At least $5,000 per year). Every year has to show ability to pay not just current year.

I can do it but it is pretty expensive. It will range from $xxxxx. You can give me a call with the details and I�ll let you know the chances of success.


From: xxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 7:26 PM


I heard about you on one of the immigration portals. I am the employer and ready to file I-140 for alien worker. He and his wife are here on B2 visas.
We are concerned about the ability to pay issue. I heard that you are the best on this.
The instructions are not clear at all. Do you have to send 3 years of tax returns. 2006 is not done yet, can we send audited financial statements? What is an audited financial statement exactly? What if the company did not have enough net income in 2005 and 2004 but has it in 2006. Can you please help us? As the employer we are willing to help the worker to get the I-140 approved.

Can you help us? Please, let me know and also how much do you charge.

Their visa expiring soon, please respond A.S.A.P

Thank very much

caitlin beadles and christian beadles. Caitlin BeadlesCaitlin Beadles

samay07-21 08:30 PMMy dependents are out of US for almost 5 months for now and they have AP approved before they left US and they are planning to come to US in couple of weeks from now on AP. Our PD is going to be current in Aug08. Is this OK to be out of US for this much time when AOS is pending? Staying out of US for this long would effect their AOS processing in any way?

Its fine so long as they are back before their AP expires.

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pmb7604-01 03:33 PMThe BJP is the only party that can lead India in a sane manner. The various issues that stand before India :
- Free market reform that has been strangled by the communists and congress
- National security . For the congress and other so called secular forces - criticizing terrorism/pakistan is tantamount to criticizing Islam. They jail Varun Gandhi for making divisive comments(agreed that the comments are in bad taste) but what about the Imam Bukharis and Mulayam singhs who make divisive comments every single day.
- The concept of nationalism and pride was first felt during the years when Vajpayee was PM. To be honest I never felt proud to be Indian until AB Vajpayee became PM
- Infrastructure development. The BJP is more free market than any other party. the Vajpayee administration started so many infrastructure schemes like the golden quadrilateral national highway and various others.
- The BJP is the only party with true nationalists. You may blame them for being right wing hindus but they have more secular credentials than the congress or other so called secular forces. Now let's get this straight - Radical Islam is the biggest threat to world peace and the BJP is the only party at the national level that recognizes this threat.

Agreed that there could be corruption in the BJP/NDA as well but atleast you know what you are getting into. Manmohan Singh is the weakest PM India has ever had whose sole goal in life is to please his masters - the Gandhi family.
All in all you will find faults with everyone - you have to back the least of all evils.


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gcfordesi08-15 07:39 PMI know its not easy or possible in USA to get a Immigration officer to make some scene deliberately at airport . Here is what i observed .
He was in CA a month back june/july for his movie shoot nothing popped that time.
But he signed a 100 crore INR deal with FOX for his Forth coming movie My Name is Khan i think couple of weeks back dose it tell something ?
So with this incident he is on Top 10 news in CNN today - Btw this news was at number 7 few hours back and now number 2.
Nice way to create awareness of Shah Rukh Khan and the Movie.

Just my 2 cents ....

1. 1 When an insect sting turns fatal
2. 2 Bollywood star detained at airport
3. 3 Tropical Storm Ana forms
4. 4 Britain seizes control of islands
5. 5 Bob Dylan a complete unknown?
6. 6 Australian granted right to die
7. 7 Lockheed Fire scorches 6,800 acres
8. 8 Run 135 miles across Death Valley?
9. 9 Arctic Sea 'ransom demanded'
10. 10 Missing boy last seen near car

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Rohan9907-22 11:55 AMSmile - I can prove this is a relevant topic

Some of these jokers (Quikstar..Amway) have filed GC in EB2 and Eb3 which is illegal, someday states Like Arizona will declare that anyone looking like us should be checked for Amway membership and deported

Profiling is an issue and because of some jokers we all may have to go thru scrutiny.

We should ask USCIS to check all GC applicants name in Amway database and if found USCIS needs to send them to Mexico (because illegal)..

We should write to senators... your opinion on this? ( this way Indiancommunity can be clean and fight for legal hardworking people in immigration policy)

Please for GOD SAKE understand that this is an immigration Portal.
Not a fish market where we can discuss the prices of item at different stores.

Please stop this Admin


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nixstor09-23 02:03 AMThis is not fair and good idea. what about people waiting in line for years and invested their money elsewhere because of this green card delays or those who do not have enough money and job in this market situation. All of the sudden you are brining this idea. This is not fair. This is kind of buying green card. There is a investment based green card category available for that. I request you to go through that channel if you are rich. Not all employment based green card seekers are rich. Please keep that in mind.


Did it occur for a single moment that if some one gets out of the line, the line gets shorter? F Y I, This is NOT about me. This is about every one here. I did not dream of this situation which directly favors some one today. Simply, Not many folks knew it was going to be this bad. Folks who knew, kept quiet telling people that its NOT that bad. There is NOT going to be a single solution that benefits every one involved here. Let it be recapture, country limits or advanced degree exemption. Choice is (y)ours. We can decide to be the frogs in the well and pull the next frog down or we can work on making this pitch which can be palatable to sensible people, who understand the magnanimity of the situation

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logiclife06-26 12:35 PMnope. The august bulletin which gets released mid july didn't get into our arguements at all. We were specifially talking about july filers and july month.

Yes, i agree that if August bulletin retrogresses than that affects only august filers and not the people eligible to file in july.

So regardless of what August bulletin says, USCIS can just, on a whim stop accepting 485 petitions in Mid July just because they have received "Too many" and the mail room clerk is tired ? I dont know but it really does not sound like something USCIS can do on a whim without publishing a change in the rule first.


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Pineapple12-14 05:10 PMI can understand your concerns.. and no, I do no resent your comment. I rather welcome a different viewpoint! IV, I emphatically maintain is made up ordinary people, like you and me, regardless of nationality and culture. I'm not a core member, but that, in itself, is the point - there is no top-down hierarchy, no "party line". IV is us. It is the very embodiment of the philosophy, "Of the people, by the people, and for the people" .

If it were any different, I would not be here.

That said, let me address your concerns. You (and anyone else) is free to disagree.

Let us say all country quotas are removed. In that case, yes, you will see a majority of GCs going to people of Indian and Chinese extraction. But to say that the removal of country quota is going to disadvantage people of other countries is a mathematical fallacy.
Let me explain it this way, using an analogy. Suppose you take part in a lotto game. The prizes (GC) are limited. Say there is only one prize and you have 100 participants. Also, further, let us say 80 are from California and 20 are from Pennsylvania.
If you play the game several times, you will see that 80 % of the prizes go to people from California.
But, that does not mean that you will improve your chances of winning if you move from Pennsylvania to California!!
Your odds are exactly the same - 1 in 100.

Removing country quotas would have the same consequence: If would actually give everyone a level playing field, and everyone would have the same shot at making the coveted quota of 140,000 EB GCs.

But when you have quotas, the probabilities are severely distorted. Especially when you have arbitrary quotas. (Why 7 %? Why not 9 %? Why not 5.247 %?).
In this case, if you are from India or China, you are seriously disadvantaged, while someone from a smaller country gets an unfair advantage. This is not complex political philosophy. It is school boy arithmetic.

You see what I mean?

When an Indian or Chinese asks for no country quotas, he/she is not asking for more.. He/she can no more control the wind as control where he/she is born. He/she is just asking to have a fair chance just as anyone else in the world. Why should he/she be penalized for being born in a big country?

I hope you see what I mean.

Anyway, the thread is about whether we can make a constitutionality argument in the court. The issue of "fairness" is quite settled as I explained above.

I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:

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bfadlia02-16 02:53 PMI beleive Kuhelica and bfadlia have been planted by anti-immigrants to spread poison and hate in people's mind. looking at the number of posts they have posted, it seems like they are new members who are out there to sabotage the reforms that we have been talking about.

We do not have to spend our energy and time answering each and every post of theirs. they do not deserve our time nor they are intelligent enough to rationalise.

I and a couple of us have been repeatedly telling that we do not want ROW people to be affected nor we want country quota to be removed, but they have been targetting our race, our country, it has jealously writ all over... Just ignore them and move on. the more forward we move the more backward they stay..

man.. u can click on a user and see all the posts he sent, so good luck
i must have joined two years and participated in topics all this time so that i today i get a chance to destroy IV.. plz put down the 007 book and listen for once..
u can't see that people started belittling ROWs here first.. then i admit it's a waste of time to try to reason with u


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samay07-14 07:05 AMMy question: I came to us on F1 Visa. I do not have my last name in my passport. Yes it is true ..stupid passport department missed it as they write names with hand ... passport was made when I was in high school�9th grade to be precise. I never got it corrected and came to us �visa was issued to me using FNU firstname format. When I applied for I-20 SSN, and everything in US after that I added my last name (my actual family name which got missed in passport) as us system does not allow blank last name. Note that my passport last page correctly shows my fathers and mothers last name which I have added on all my us documents like SSN, DL, � now I have been in us from past 5 years with all ( and I actually mean all) my us docs like H1, SSN, I-20, License, 495 application etc in firstname lastname format. �.. the only 2 things which are not in my first name last name format is
1) visa which is FNU Firstname ( FNU = First name used)
2) My passport which has just my first name and no last name

one of my good friend got a 485 query as his first, middle and last name are mixed up with respect to his passport and 485 application. Which I feel is a much simpler case as compared to mine.

Now my question is should I go ahead and change my name in my passport which is nothing but add my last name and get a new passport preemptively�or I should wait for USCIS decision .. Usually RFE is given 30 � 40 days to reply and I don�t think I will have time to get my passport fixed if and when RFE comes on my 485 .. the only issue I have with preemptive fixing name is sometime it is just better not to add complication to a case when it comes to USCIS �. A lawyer�s opinion is much needed and appreciated.

Thanks for your help

PS: my priority is Feb 2007 EB3

Please do get your passport in order. You should have got it done a long time back. I think it is fairly straightforward procedure. You can make an appointment with the Indian Consulate and take it from there.
Please do not wait for a RFE to do that.

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colors09-06 04:16 PMImmigrstion attorney,

What is the procedure to update USCIS on any missing documents once we filed our I-485 instead of getting RFE.



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kumarc12311-06 02:09 PMIV is started for one cause, that is to eliminate the unfair country quota and speed up the green card process. Let us stick with that.Do not divert by introducing these kind of proposals.

Few weeks before there was a fight between eb3 and eb2 applicants on this forum. Now you are starting a new group which favors who has money. This is not good. Let us unite and focus on one goal. I am not supporting this idea. Please drop this.


Dude stop complaining and do what is expected for IV, I am not in a position right now to buy a house, but I do favor the idea. Mainly because this type of movement will create awareness among American people. Above all like the moderator said, the the Que will decrease. I understand your anguish and anxiety, please lets do something and not just waste our time complaining.

Recently we have more number of people complaining rather doing something. I understand we all are worried and anxious, but we need to keep doing something constructive, rather than complaining.

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amar12307-03 11:18 PM (

Guys, we are all computer friendly unlike our previous generation,lets use the internet to the fullest.

Please dig the link so ppl understand the scenario and making the news sensational but true helps!! Please add your comments to the blog ,hopefully, comments not 2 frustrated or impolite. Remember we claim to be legal immigrants,lets show some refinement and class :)


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muni_k07-08 06:44 PMI am in the 6th year of my H1b.expires end august 2008.I have applied for I-140 in may of 2008 after my labor got audited and finally approved in may2008.My labor application was in sept 2008.I can probably recapture the time spent outside the country to take it past 1 year of labor certificate application(in order to apply for H1b extension).can i avail of premium processing for my i140 to get a possible 3 year extension or me it seems not given that as per USCIS website :

USCIS is limiting Premium Processing Service for Form I-140 petitions that are filed on behalf of aliens:

Whose sixth year will end within 60 days;
Who are only eligible for a further extension of H-1B nonimmigrant status under section 104(c) of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act of 2000 (AC21); and
Who are ineligible to extend their H-1B status under section 106(a) of AC21.
Section 104(c) of AC21 permits applicants to extend their stay in H-1B nonimmigrant status in increments of up to three years, provided they are the beneficiary of an approved Form I-140 and an immigrant visa is not immediately available. Section 106(a) of AC21 permits applicants to extend their stay in H-1B nonimmigrant status in increments of up to one year, provided the Form I-140 petition or underlying labor certification has been pending for at least 365 days.

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OLDMONK07-24 05:41 PMAgree with few points in your argument though overall it went little overboard. Whisky Line??? Are you implying there are no lines in US? Ever heard about GC Line???????:))))))I havent waited for 5 to 7 yrs in India for anything and not got it. Maximum I waited would be Tirupati temple for 12-14 hrs:)

I am only implying convenience is a big factor in deciding your future and your children future and where would you like to concentrate your energy/passion for the rest of your life.

I wouldnt mind waiting in Tirupathi line or waiting in line at Jai Mata di temple, for that the choice is mine. I am talking about lines which I have to get to or have my bahadur/driver/employee if I am in business do it for me.

Of course it sounds overboard but you wont believe the kind of lines (specially the close times) where state government dispenses alcohol. (new delhi is one of those).

BTW I forgot the Movie Ticket Window line (also the black line by the cycle stand LOL). I am sure I forgot a lot of other lines. The Key is Convenience for me.

Anyway don't take it too literally but I will give you a real example. I could never pay my electric bill for a commerical place even if I wanted to. There is a middle man. If you don't go through these middle men they will hassle you every month. Will come up with something so they can threaten you with a disconnection. Now at a business place and specially in service oriented business you cant fight them. For house electric bills thats not case though.

Same for sales tax guys, excise tax guys, ca's and lawyers. To get my IT clearance even after having every paperwork, commissioner (IAS) tip was Rs. 1000. forget babus and chaprasis.

As for your GC comments that is not the right comparision, as we don't require a GC in India. The closest would be Passport line (3 months to 2 years) and you have to bribe the enquiry man no matter what, and which state. HDFC Draft Line, Visa Line (after 40-100 days wait), Wrong passport picture run get new and go back to line. Not mentioning H1B sponsoring employer line.

:-) and I am not saying I am 100% right. You may come from a fortunate/honest town/village where there is still honesty and sincerity or Maybe one didn't face it as someone in their family was a bigwig, meaning every one knew (fiction) Anirudh is son of Income Tax Commissioner or Malaika is daughter of H P Dwivedi who is MP from Rohtak, Haryana. so for those guys it was sir, sir, sir all around.

but when Sachin hits a century or sets a world record.. Mera Bharat Mahaan. (India is great) Right? Sanya anyone? Right?


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bazuka609-23 10:18 AMAs completely unrelated these two issues are (from a law maker's perspective) on a normal day, these are possibly those times when each of these issues can help the other.

IV has been discussing about the possibility of one for two solution (partial). The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home. It is my belief that market sentiment is the most important thing in any financial market(s) and the housing prospects look pretty bleak. There are lot of members in the EB community that have NOT bought their own home, even though they could afford one because of the uncertainty with EB GC. IV's idea is to bridge the financial committees and judiciary committees in the House/Senate and see if corresponding Chairman/Ranking members are willing to listen. Things are moving so fast with the 700bn USD bail out plan and we will NOT have time to do things the normal way, through our counsel. We have to present this idea to the corresponding staff members of key members of congress (see list below) and see if this gets traction now or going forward.

Please do not bring EB-5 discussion/comparison here. The proposed partial solution is different from EB-5 in that EB-5 investors invest money and we are investing in our future with a genuine intention of making USA our permanent home.

If you already have a home, thats fine. Any such legislation will reduce the wait times in EB categories and we need housing markets to rebound for a safer economy before the ripple effects are felt every where.

Who to write to

Staff members(Chief of Staff, Legislative LA, Financial LA, Legislative Director) of Chairman/Ranking members of House/Senate Judiciary committee & Finance/Banking committee, Staff members of your representative and your senators. Please find staff members of the committees in the spreadsheet (

You can find your representative & senator staff members on this website (

Please use valid email addresses and NOT fictitious/junk mail. It undermines the whole purpose and our emails will be flagged by mail scanners / spam checkers as some thing similar to famous Nigeria bank account scams.

Email Subject: Proposal to alleviate current US Housing/economic crisis



This proposal alleviates the current US economic crisis, by motivating the US high skilled, legal immigrant workers to purchase homes. The size of this immigrant population is approximately 800,000 individuals. This effort if successful would inject up to US$ 20Billion approximately into the economy (approximately US$ 100 Billion in houses sold across the country) , while at the same time directing this money into the root cause of the economic crisis � the illiquidity of the national housing market. The above calculation is done
assuming a median US home price of $212,400 and buyers making a down-payment of 20% of the cost of the home. Roughly estimating 400,000 buyers.


Undoubtedly, we are all devastated by the shake up on Wall Street in the past 15 days. Experts agree that the underpinning problem is the housing crisis caused by sub-prime mortgage loans. Many of us, who cannot afford our monthly mortgage payments are losing homes and putting them up for sale and foreclosure, which further adds to the crisis. At the same time, most of the Employment-based (EB) immigrant community would like to purchase homes and make the United States a permanent home for their families. These EB immigrants however, are living in a state of limbo, mostly in rental apartments because of the delays and uncertainties involved with the EB immigration procedure. The wait times in EB categories are exacerbated by the delays in processing by USCIS, even though eligible applicants have filed for Permanent Residency also known as Adjustment of Status. Such processing delays have resulted in the wastage of 218,000 immigrant visa numbers (Page 52 of USCIS Ombudsman Annual report 2007). The current Department of State visa bulletin shows 7+ years of wait times in certain categories. We strongly believe that legislation can be worked out in such a way that the housing markets all over the country can move towards recovery, while at the same time motivating the Green Card applicants to catalyze this recovery.

It should be noted that this proposal by no means brings more immigrant workers into the US. The workers in the EB, skilled category are already present in the US, doing skilled jobs that no US worker is available to do. They are part of the long queue of backlogged cases that USICIS will eventually process; however, this wait can take years and in that case could not be used as a tool to minimize the course of the current economic crisis.


Congress can pass legislation that exempts EB green card applicants and their dependents from the numerical limits of visa numbers, provided applicant(s) have bought a home making 20% down payment on the sale price of the home, for a time period deemed necessary by the congress.

How can Employment based Immigrants help alleviate the housing problem?

(1) Employment based immigrants are highly skilled and are employed in occupations such as Software, IT, Health care, Energy, Finance, Education and Research & Development across the United States.

(2) Average income of these individuals/households is around 65,000/130,000 USD.

(3) All these Employment based immigrants have gone through Department of Labor�s recruiting process, which certifies that there is no willing, able and qualified US Citizen to do the job.

(4) Most of the Employment based immigrants have excellent credit history and good source of income to make the payments needed for their home mortgage.

(5) By requiring a 20% down payment from this group of buyers, Congress can directly channel this money to where it is need most � at the banks.

(6) Employment based green card applicants have been living in the United States for 6-8 years. Many of them have US graduate degrees in their fields of expertise. These applicants are well versed with the American culture and will not change the cultural landscape.

(7) Financial burden on US government and treasury will be reduced drastically if the glut of houses in the market decreases.

As a member of the community that wants to make the US its permanent home, I want to contribute to a solution that helps USA and US during these tough times. I sincerely believe that the 30 year commitment on mortgages by Employment based immigrants in the housing market, backed by solid, risk free mortgages can turn the down ward spiral in the housing market into a upward spiral.


Great Draft ..Thanks IV

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Macaca07-03 09:39 PMsorry :D

this one time pls allow us to post contribution thread here..
Post contribution thread without hesitation and without apologies!

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new_horizon03-27 02:08 PMI cannot think of any one good leader left in india. not one who can rise above self-interest and narrow mentality. Can you imagine any one of the so called leaders that was mentioned in this list leading the nation, and not be a laughing stock? remember deva gowda at davos...made a mockery of India there. Mayawati/modi, etc. what kind of leadership qualities (international affairs/finance/etc) do they have? the only kind of experience they have is gundaism, and creating conflicts with caste, culture and religion.
I wish most of the current class of leaders were erased, and a new class of leaders were brought in. Sadly that'll never happen with the kind of democratic setup we have. in the name of representation, we are debarring intellects, and people with broad vision from joining politics.

gjoe02-14 03:27 PMHow many of us who contributed to IV mentioned that in the AOS application form I485. I guess you are supposed to disclose your affiliation to IV, atleast when you are a contributing member. If this is true most of us will automatically disqualify for a GC because we failed to disclose information truthfully

also as i said earlier- someone needs to stand up publicly and be a leader. and one leader is not enough. needs a team. that team must be willing to disclose identity etc publicly, if they are to collect money. in any case a lawsuit is very public and anonymity is not an option. these are the very basis of starting such a project. no one has yet responded to this affirmatively. a lot of yes votes do not mean anything. someone(s) needs to be willing to stick their necks out with time, money, effort and a very public profile.

just my 2c.

BTW I will contribute upto $1000 for this lawsuit initially. I think Law suit is the rightway to go. We should not be afraid to file a lawsuit. We have come halfway around this world to make our careers and life in the USA knowing well that the bodyshoppers will exploit us until we get our GC. We are in a situation were we never even dreamed before that a govt agency like USCIS will also keep our lifes in limbo like the bloodsucking bodyshoppers. Now it is our turn to step up and take the fight. We will not lose anything even if we fail, afterall our lives on this earth is nothing but a fight for our survival and what we believe in.


kavita02-13 07:20 PMHi,
I like the idea but I believe at this time it is crucial to continue participation in the letter campaign. If we do not get success through it, I will be glad to participate in the lawsuit. Also, like me, at that time there might be hundreds of people willing to be a part.

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