And.... we have ourselves a Best Picture nominee.

You know when I heard David Fincher was directing a movie about Facebook.. I was like "...nawww." Cause he's a gritty director and he makes amazing dark dramas. For those who don't know Fincher is the dude that directed Se7en, Fight Club, Zodiac and
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. And now he's got this one to add to his amazing portfolio. This is one of the best movies this year!

Okay so everyone's thinking.. movie about Facebook, seems like an alright idea, but what we really have here is a almost courtroom-like drama behind the scandals of the founding of Facebook. This is a a movie about teens in a very serious adult world. We have Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, the founders of Facebook going through the stories from the starting of the website, to the success, the scandals, and the screw-over; all told in one engaging courtroom plot.

The acting in this was actually surprising, one being that no performance in this was any less of spectacular and another being that all of it was coming from the most unexpected actors. Jesse Eissenberg was absolutely phenomenal as Mark Zuckerberg. I wouldn't go as far as calling his portrayal crazy but he was definitely channeling Sheldon Cooper on ADD. I don't know how accurate his performance was, but it was breathtaking watching him on screen, oozing extreme wit and humor in a non-humorous way which in itself is an awesome joke.

And he works so well with every actor he has a dialog with. Eissenberg drives the actors in the film with incredibly fast paced, heavy, witty dialog that exchanges from one actor to another in flawless execution. From the opening scene, every line is delivered bam bam bam, always with Eissenberg as the anchor. This may still be too early in the Oscar season but it;s safe to say that he will definitely get nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role and in my personal opinion, he should win.

I am now partly into the new Spider-Man to happen because I loved Andrew Garfield in this. He was my favorite part of Social Network playing the poor guy who got screwed over by his best friend. You connect with him, you root for him, he's the audience's window into the visionary world of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, not good enough for any awards, but he's made a fan out of me.

Now the real shocker here is Justin fucking Timberlake. Who knew the faggo can act! He plays Sean Parker, the founder of Napster who comes in and destroys Zuckerberg and Saverin's relationship and I fucking hate this douchebag. Character-ly speaking of course. But the interesting arc to his character that I really appreciate Justin Timberlake for doing is that Parker really isn't trying to break people up or be the bad guy, he genuinely wants to help and his efforts just came out the wrong way in the end. But I still hated him. But great acting by Timberlake. And also special props to Armie Hammer for playing a set of twins in the movie.

And Oh My God, how great was the writing of this movie? For those who don;t know, the person who wrote the movie is Aaron Sorkin, one of my screenplay idols. He has done The West Wing, The American President and Charlie Wilson's War and his trademark witty writing truly shines with the actors in Social Network. I am hearing lots of criticisms about the accuracy of the movie but I don't think that will deter him from winning a shit load of writing awards.

And finally high praise to David Fincher for directing a masterpiece out of one of the most common human things. I really think it's down to a neck-and-neck fight between Fincher and Christopher Nolan for Best Director at the Oscars next year. My money's still with Nolan or the Coen Brothers but David Fincher's award recognition is really long overdue.

This is one of the best films I have seen with a mostly teenage main cast and just a small side note to the people who thought Social Netowkr was boring cause "it's all just talking," FUCK YOU AND GO WATCH SOME AMERICAN PIE. You know... movies that actually fit your limited mental capacity. Oh and friend me on Facebook. Hehehehehe.
RATING: 8/10