The Hurt Locker ya'll! This movie has been getting a lot of hype for the Oscars and it's been nominated for Best Picture in the Golden Globes. It is a really good movie, don't get me wrong.. but I still don't see what'sso great about it.

Hurt Locker is about a bomb defusing team in Iraq. Everyday, these people go to work and risk death on a regular basis. To make matters worst, their new team leader is an incredibly reckless soldier that makes their missions more dangerous.

One thing I liked about The Hurt Locker is the use of unknown casts against well established actors. Ralph Fiennes, David Morse and Guy Pearce make appearances in the film for a few minutes before being killed off. Just cause they're famous actors we expect them to be the main characters, so it was a nice surprise there. I like how this shows that in war, anyone is fair game.

The editing of the film is really good. It uses the same style as the Bourne movies where like it's all fast paced action, really terrifying sequences and then it slows down for a breather and a moment of lot development an then it throws you right back with more action and suspense. The cinematography of gritty war laden Iraq is actually quite a beauty with it's realism. And the slow motion action sequences is breathtaking.

I still don't get what's the deal with Jeremy Renner's apparent stellar performances. I thought he was just OK. I preferred Anthony Mackie as the helpless Sgt. who has to deal with all the shit Renner's character puts their team in.

So with so many good things to say about Hurt Locker, why do I still think it shouldn't deserve top award nominations? Now please don't get me wrong, I really liked this movie but I just can't see what all the buzz about Hurt Locker is about?

This just isn't Best Picture material. It's more like Greengrass movies, the kind that will get nominated technical awards like editing and cinematography but not top prizes. Once again I wanna clarify, this is really good war movie worth checking out, it just isn't top award material.
RATING: 7/10