This is actually the second dance movie that I've watched. the first was Step Up and I was bored to death. There was practically no character development and the story went no where. it just launches into one dance sequence after another but what to do..it's a dance movie mah. It's only saving grace was Jenna Dewan..she so fine....

Now as much as I tried to hate this movie, coz these types of flicks aren't exactly my kind of thing but I have to say, they did a pretty good job on this. Sure it was just like every other dance movie. The acting sucked, the script was boring and the plot went no where. But what made Steep up 2 special was just the freakin sick dance choreography. Movies like this weren't made to have good story lines or character development. It clearly relied on the dancing front and my God, i was completely blown away! Unconvinced? Watch this: