Man.. I really miss MJ after watching this. Aww man now I'm getting all emotional *sniff*

This Is It! is basically a collection of rehearsal footage's of MJ preparing for is This Is It tour which will never come to be cause the guy had to fucking die. The film showcases him rehearsing all his popular songs and with some interviews with his band mates and dancers.

Watching MJ dance and sing here really makes me miss him all over again. I still can't let him go cause the man's just awesome and he's done so much impact in my life personally. It's great seeing him dance again after such a long time. And yeah since this was just rehearsals, MJ wasn't exactly going all out, I think he gave it mostly 80% for the most parts but 80 is still kick ass tome.

And he's gotta be one of the most well dressed people in the history of rehearsal. In every video he's in, the dues like wearing coats and glasses. MJ got style yo! The only person I found more interesting to watch than MJ was one of his back up dancers.

This girl. Who is this girl? People..I gotta find out who she is! I gotta find out whats her name and where this girl lives so I can o there and ask he to marry me. Damn this girl is fine as hell and she's a great dancer to!

All the performances in This Is It are great. But the ones that I liked best were Thriller, which had some awesome 3D and zombie shit.. Smooth Criminal, which had me having a geekgasm when they had Humphrey Bogart and Rita Hayworth put into the opening video with MJ. I loved The Way You Make Me Feel which is one of my favorite live MJ song and Shake You're Body Down To The Ground which was just some good ole funk and dancing.

But of all the great performances in the film, the one that trumps them all was when MJ did Earth Song and when the video with the Earth Child came out. Wow. That was one of the strongest, most moving videos I have ever seen. Now that would have been a great music video for Earth Song. And Jasmin Alvarez who's the girl in the video is just the cutest thing ever!

There's this other girl in the movie to, she's MJ's guitarist. I got her name right her, her names Orianthi Panagaris. Wow this girl can really kill a guitar.I mean her fingers move up and down those frats like.. like Jimmi fuckin Hendrix man. She totally owns the solo in Beat It but in comparison to the great Jennifer Baten who was MJ's previous guitarist, Orianthi's got a long way to go.

And Kenny Ortega is just a big joke in this movie. He should just sick to directing lame teen musicals cause he's got nothing on MJ. All the scenes with him in it practically has him kissing MJ's ass or having MJ tear all his suggestions apart and all Kenny Ortega does is just go, "Yes MJ. You're right MJ. Sorry MJ. I Love you MJ." So like.. whats the point of him being the director in all this?

You know I really don't see the point of them needing to show This Is It. I really don't need to know what could have been with the concert, I was hoping the film be more of a tribute film to Michael Jackson.

The film barely shows us anything that will make us relate to MJ as a person. I wished there was a personal interview with him instead of hearing how great he is from his band members. We already know he's great.. now we want to know the man in person. MJ barely speaks in this movie and doesn't even look at the camera. The whole time I felt like the kid in the zoo watching the snake in the cage and going, "C'mon! Move!!"
RATING: 7/10